Thursday 19 October 2017

Forex Trading In South Africa Księgarnia Internetowa

Właśnie otrzymałem Frank s drewna Business Accounting 1, zamówiłem od dwóch dni temu Jestem naprawdę pod wrażeniem tej usługi Cena dla tej książki Naira 3.500 jest znacznie tańsze w porównaniu do amazon 94. z Nigerii, może nie być w stanie konkurować z gigantami jak amazon, ale może skolonizować lokalny rynek Oferować tańsze książki i książki, których nie można znaleźć w amazon. Apart formularz, który inna księgarnia internetowa mamy w Nigeria. I używać Debonairs są całkiem dobre, jak również i prowadzić wiele książek Jeśli chodzi o do czasu dostaw, zależy to od tego, czy mają go w magazynie, jeśli nie, spodziewać się dłuższego czasu dostawy Jest też Laterna, haven t używał ich, zanim spróbuję na podstawie Twojej dobrej rekomendacje Dziękujemy za info. the najlepsze online sklep w Nigerii to ja używałem wszystkich innych z wyjątkiem Lanterna, ale ma najszerszy katalog, dostarcza przez Fedex do Twoich drzwi i można uzyskać praktycznie wszystko, co chcesz tam. asamuel, haba, u są spamowania nairaland z tym ur kalahari ogłoszeń Nawiasem mówiąc, JA Myślisz, że u pracujesz lub jesteś na czele dla kalahari Możesz kupić przestrzeń i reklamować na forum NAIRALAND prawidłowo, zamiast tanich i bezpłatnych postów na temat zakupu tego i tego w kalahari. po prostu przyszedł na rynek kilka tygodni temu Nie zostały przetestowane I donot myślę, że są lepsze Nie są Pozwól nam użytkowników dać komentarze, a nie Ty. kanor Co tu jesteśmy, jeśli nie mogę polecić tego, co czuję, jest dla Ciebie najlepsze, kalahari nie jest nowością w Nigerii i możesz to zweryfikować z tego, co jest ważne, że wiele osób kupuje i jest bardzo zadowolonych z usług dostają. Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o Kalahari, odwiedź stronę internetową na dziś. kanor Czy wiesz, że otrzymasz darmowy kupon N1000 przy zakupie przedmiotów o wartości N5000. Z biurka Kelvina Założyciela forexindicator. Hello Fellow Trader. I nie wiem o tobie, ale jestem zmęczony wszystkimi guru mówiącym, że mogą pokazać drogę do bogactwa Forex. Prawda jest taka, że ​​większość z nich nie jest nawet doświadczonych przedsiębiorców i tylko zarabiają na sprzedaży swoich cudownych systemów. Rozumiem, że wielu z was jest chore na te kursy forex na rynku, które uczy prosto rzeczy, które po prostu nie działają w ogóle. Dlatego zapewniam 130 zwrot pieniędzy każdemu, kto może znaleźć jedno fałszywe zwycięstwo w handlu, które zamieściłem w moim miesięcznym raporcie o skuteczności po skorzystaniu z tego kursu Jeśli będę mógł zarabiać z strategie na tym kursie, wierzę, że każdy może to zrobić tak długo, jak długo będą śledzić to, czego uczym w trakcie kursu. Po przeanalizowaniu kursu będziesz w stanie stwierdzić, czy to, co opublikowałem w raporcie z wykonania jest prawdziwe, czy nie Jestem tak pewny siebie, co ja wysłałem i dlatego ośmielam się dać 130 zwrot pieniędzy każdemu, kto znajdzie fałszywe zwycięstwo w handlu, które wysłałem. Pozwól mi powiedzieć więcej o mojej podróży na forex. I byłem pełnoetatowym przedsiębiorcą od 2008 roku i zarabiając spójne zyski po miesiącu miesiąc od tego czasu, niezależnie od warunków rynkowych. Jednak nie zrobiłem cudownie rozpocząć jako świetny handlowiec. Po ukończeniu studiów, zacząłem pracować jako inżynier procesu w firmie półprzewodników, a następnie zacząłem forex trading w 2008 roku mając nadzieję, że będę mógł wyjść z mojego dniową robotą jako inżynierem, aby żyć stylem życia, czego pragnęłam, a potem zacząłem wchodzić na kilka kursów walutowych i zdecydowałem się na handel żywymi swoimi ciężkimi zarobionymi pieniędzmi, które zapisałem przez kilka lat pracy. Jednak moje konto zostało wyciśnięta z rzędu kosztem Jestem blisko 20 000 osób. Jestem osobą, która wytrwa w tym, w co wierzę i postanowiłem pogłębiać badania rynku W ciągu zaledwie jednego roku udało mi się sformułować pierwszą strategię zarabiania pieniędzy i powoli, Zacząłem sformułować inne strategie, aby zwiększyć moje dochody z działalności handlowej, które naprawdę pozwalają mi odejść od pracy i stać się pełnoetatowym przedsiębiorcą w domu. Dzisiaj dochody z handlu mi pozwalają żyć życiem, które pragnę, a co najważniejsze pozwala Mnie, aby zapewnić najlepsze dla mojej rodziny jestem w stanie przynieść je na wakacje trzykrotnie plus mogę zapisać mojego syna do jakości przedszkola i wszystkie te są płacone przez moje handlu income. I jestem również autorem kilku matematyki oceny książek, które są dostępne w największych księgarniach w moim kraju. Jak powiedziałem, nie jestem marketingowcami, którzy pozują jako prawdziwy handlowiec, ukrywając się za witryną, ośmielam się pokazać sobie i mojej rodzinie tutaj w tym blogu, ponieważ wierzę w to co mój kurs może dostarczyć, a zatem nie ma powodu, aby ukryć się za moją stroną internetową. Moja rodzina. Ale moje pragnienie, aby szkolić przedsiębiorców, aby odnieść sukces w perspektywie długoterminowej, która inspiruje mnie do dzielenia się tajemnicami i mam zamiar dzielić się ze mną tajemnicami do limitu ed liczby handlowców w tym specjalnym programie handlowym o nazwie Forex Street University. Z chwilę pokażę Ci, w jaki sposób możesz uzyskać dostęp VIP do mojego programu Forex Street University, gdzie ujawniam moje dokładne techniki i strategie, które zatrudniam w moim własnym handlowego, który przewyższa inne tak zwane guru handlu raz po raz. Więcej na ten temat za chwilę, ale na pierwszy rzut oka. Czy kiedykolwiek zarobiłeś trochę dobrego handlu tylko po to, aby oddać go za kilka dni, a nawet kilka godzin później wiem, że to boli. Czy Twoje zawody prowadzone są przez strach i chciwość. Czasami brakuje panowania nad swoimi transakcjami, a nie naprawdę wiedząc, gdzie wejść lub wyjść. Czy wy handlu z mentalnością związaną z hazardem. Czy tracisz pieniądze w handlu i chętnie je odzyskasz? dlaczego ty czytasz ten list Masz niesmaczne pragnienie wewnątrz ciebie uczucie, na które zasługujesz lepiej, że zasługujesz na smak dobrego życia. Jeśli jesteś zmęczony niekończącym się yo-yo dobrych dni, złych dni, dni i dni w dół że kończy się tak cię podkreślił Chcesz po prostu wyrzucić ręcznik i rzucić handel w ogóle, ty nie jesteś sam. W najbliższych minutach będziesz miał dostęp do łatwej ulicy Youll być w stanie dokonać tego rodzaju pieniędzy marzysz o Pozwól mi wyjaśnić. Forex jest jednym rynku że rozwija się nawet w czasach kryzysu gospodarczego Bez względu na to, co podejmuje Prezes, niezależnie od tego, ile szefów zwolni robotników i nie ważne co się dzieje w dowolnym miejscu na świecie. Rejle dolarów są codziennie sprzedawane Wszystko co musisz zrobić, to zintensyfikować i rościć sobie prawo Tak długo, jak wiesz, co robisz, jeśli masz zamiar błyskawicznie wywalczyć gotówkę, ale bez planowych kupców wytrzeć podłogę z tobą To gniazdo jajko, które podbijesz wkrótce zniknie i będziesz opuścić pięść w okrutnym, okrutnym świecie. Dobrą Nowiną jest to, że niezależnie od tego, jaka była twoja sytuacja, niezależnie od tego, czy masz długie lata finansowe finansowe, sfrustrowani z przywódców, które wybraliśmy, odrobinę odnosiły sukcesy w handlu, czy też po prostu zrezygnowałeś z poczucia, że ​​system jest sfałszowany. ty jesteś o wiele bliżej niż myślisz, aby umieścić te wszystkie frustracje za Tobą i stać się bogatszy niż można sobie wyobrazić. Teraz mam trzymać w rękach coś, co może cię dogadać przez resztę swojego życia Może mieć realne zmieniacz gry dla każdego, kto chce zostać skutecznym handlowcem na rynku Forex, ale może czuć się sfrustrowany przez robienie krok po kroku, dwa kroki z powrotem yo-yo, które tak często utrwala przedsiębiorcom dokonywanie wszelkich pieniędzy. To, co chcesz odkryć może pomóc w tworzeniu i utrzymywaniu większego obrotu pieniędzmi niż kiedykolwiek sobie wyobraziłeś Jego formuła bez cudów wzbogacona szybka metoda To jednak przyniesie Ci niesamowitą okazję, aby zgromadzić bogactwo, o którym zawsze myślałeś, zarezerwowane dla uprzywilejowanych osób. To, o czym mówię jest mój Forex Street University Course. It brzmi tak prosto Czy nie ma połowu, ale. Musisz trochę pracy, zanim zyski handlowe mogą zacząć walcowania. Musisz skupić, zwracać uwagę na szczegóły, mieć chęć uczenia się czegoś nowego, a co najważniejsze, musisz przeprogramować instynktowne zachowanie, które nauczyłeś się na temat handlu Forex. Mogę zapewnić, że jest to ostatni kurs wymiany, jaki kiedykolwiek potrzebujesz. Kiedy Real World Trader z konsekwentnymi wynikami Szkolenie WŁASNE techniki i strategie, które wykorzystuje w swoim własnym treningu, będziesz chciał słuchać i robić dokładnie to, co robi. Program Forex Street University jest dla każdego Niezależnie od tego, czy masz doświadczenie w handlu FX, był zbytnio narażony na ryzyko finansowe rynku, mają ograniczony czas na handel na co dzień lub są początkującym przedsiębiorcą, dowiesz się technicznych i podstaw, które prowadzą na rynku walutowym. Będziesz wyposażony we wszystko, co musisz zrobić, aby zarobić duże pieniądze Forex będziesz nauczyć, w głębokości. Dokładne 8 strategii, które używam, aby generować stały zysk każdego miesiąca. Dowiedz się, jak zidentyfikować początek odwrócenia tendencji. Pobrać wewnętrzną miarę, jak zidentyfikować poziom ekstremalnego wsparcia d. Uzyskać dostęp do mojego osobistego zmodyfikowanego wskaźnika MACD i stochastycznego. Specyficzne techniki Fibonacii, które w każdej chwili zwiększają szanse na Twoją korzyść. Zwiększ współczynnik korzyści z tytułu ryzyka do ponad 1 2, uznawanego za Święty Graal w handlu. I dużo więcej Jestem przekonany, że program ten przekroczy wszelkie oczekiwania, a nawet przewyższy szum, który dzieje się obecnie w kilku portalach społecznościowych. To nie jest jakiś schemat szybkiego wzbogacenia Jest to okazja, aby nauczyć się od życia Prawdziwy przedsiębiorca Przedsiębiorca, który ma udowodnione wyniki i nie jest pewien marketingowiec, obiecując, że pewnego dnia zyskujesz bogatą szybką metodę. Chodzi o to, że daje Ci zestaw żywotnych narzędzi generujących całe życie, które pozwolą Ci na wykonywanie własnych zdjęć przez resztę swojego życia . Może pewnego dnia dać Ci wolność do pracy w dowolnym miejscu na świecie i dać ci środki, aby żyć życiem, które zawsze Ci zależało na Ciebie i twoją rodzinę. Dzisiaj masz szansę na dostęp VIP do mojego rynku Forex Prog Uniwersytetu ram. I powiem wam trochę o moim programie Forex Street University w ciągu najbliższych chwil, ale najpierw potrzebujesz 8 strategii. Powyżej jest jedno pytanie, które często otrzymuję od ludzi Więc skorzystaj z okazji, aby odpowiedzieć na to pytanie wszystko dlatego, że potrzebuję maksymalnie 8 strategii, ponieważ rynek forex składa się z różnych warunków rynkowych i dlatego nie można handlować jedną strategią. Na przykład, jeśli używasz strategii trendu i rynku obecnie pracujesz w bokach, czy uważasz, że będzie to działało. Założę się, że wprowadzasz trend do handlu na podstawie strategii trendu na rynku rozmaitych, okaże się, że straci więcej niż wygrasz, a zatem inna strategia może sprzyjać różnym warunkom rynkowym i że jest jedynym sposobem na osiągnięcie spójnego dochodu z handlu. Zwykle sugeruję, że wszyscy moi uczniowie skupią się na 1 strategii i tylko przejdźmy do następnej, gdy są w stanie wygenerować zyski na koncie demo na 2 consecu to często dzieje się, ponieważ większość ludzi przychodzi na Forex z niewłaściwym umysłem Widzą Forex jako bogatą szybką okazję i uczą się w najtrudniejszy sposób, że Forex nie jest bogatym programem. Forex Trading to biznes i musi być traktowane jak jeden. Zobacz 2 najbardziej typowe błędy, które mogą sprawić, że stracisz koszulkę na Forex. Mistake numer 1 Traktując Forex jako bogatą szybką możliwość Ze względu na wysoki poziom dźwigni na rynku Forex, początkujący zaczynają myśleć, że mogą zacząć od po prostu małą ilość pieniędzy i zarabiać miliony w krótkim czasie. Powiedzmy, że nie zamierzasz stać się milionerem na rynku Forex i każdą osobą, która mówi ci, że będziesz leżeć w twoim imieniu. Mistake number 2 Myślisz, że możesz pieniądze w Forex bez pracy w ogóle Thats ogromny błąd Forex to rynek, w którym większość ludzi traci pieniądze Jeśli chcesz zarabiać na tym, musisz ciężko pracować i wykształcić siebie. Zacznij od prawie każdego handlarza, gdzie indziej, mając KONTO TO MENTOR, przenieśli nas wszystkich z walki o sukces. Musisz zainwestować w dobre narzędzia handlowe i mieć mentora lub trenera, który może nie tylko zachęcić Cię, ale nauczyć się właściwego sposobu na to od początku. Tu są co handlowcy Podobnie jak mówisz. Forex Street University daje Ci dostęp, aby wejść w umysł doświadczonego doświadczonego dostawcy walutowego i trenera oraz skorzystać z obydwu stron swojego doświadczenia. Od 2008 roku zajmuje się profesjonalnie i zyskiem konsekwentnie miesiąc po miesiącu od 2009 roku . Co najważniejsze, trenowałem nowego handlowca za pośrednictwem mojego forexowego bloga forexindicator, a także poprzez mój kanał YouTube, który już zgromadził ponad 400 000 opinii przedstawicieli handlowych na całym świecie. Dziel się tobą z moimi tajemnicami i strategiami, które umożliwiły mi stałą opłacalność z moim programem Forex Street University. 12 Kompleksowe Moduły - gdzie wchodzę w grę w różne strategie i cztery różne techniki handlu specjalnego, które umożliwią Ci konsekwentne pro bez względu na to, jakie są warunki rynkowe. Oto krótka przerwa tego, czego nauczysz się w każdym szczegółowym module. Jak widać mój program Forex Street University jest bardzo obszerny i obszerny Nie ma puszystości i tylko czystą treść i strategie, które pozwolą Ci stać się bardziej konsekwentnie rentownym handlowcem. Ponad 50 przykładów handlowych, które zapewnią jasne informacje na temat wdrażania moich strategii, co pozwala na dosłownie obserwować profesjonalnego przedsiębiorcę, wdrożyć moje strategie i zysku. Czy jesteś weteranem handlowym z wieloletnim doświadczeniem pod twoim paskiem czy początkującym, który chce przestać oglądać z boku i wskoczyć w wielką grę. Pamiętaj, że ten kurs Forex Street University jest przedstawiony w formie elektronicznej, co oznacza że nie ma fizycznej DVD dostarczonej do Ciebie. Gdy kupisz ten kurs później, zostanie wysłany do strony rejestracji, aby skonfigurować swoją nazwę użytkownika i hasło, aby uzyskać dostęp do materiałów kursowych. e dostęp do materiałów na całe życie i na tym kursie jest gwarancja aktualizacji na całe życie, co oznacza, że ​​gdy mam nowy moduł dodany do kursu, otrzymasz go za darmo po zakupie tego kursu. Ograniczona promocja. 6. rocznica mojego bloga ForexIndicator, daję temu 30 dniom darmowy okres próbny dla każdego, kto kupi ten kurs Otrzymasz darmową 30 dniową wersję testową na Forex Signal Service o wartości 197, gdzie będę sprzedawać Twoje konto dla Ciebie. że nie musisz korzystać z tego 30-dniowego okresu próbnego natychmiast po przyłączeniu się kursu Rozumiem, że niektórzy z was nie mają jeszcze konta W związku z tym nie ma limitu czasu, jeśli musisz skorzystać z tego procesu Możesz przystąpić do kursu, a następnie próbny 3 miesiące lub 6 miesięcy później, gdy okaże się, że jesteś gotowy. Pod koniec 30 dni możesz zdecydować, czy chcesz zostać w tej usłudze, czy nie. Jeśli zdecydujesz się pozostać w serwisie, zostanie obciążony 197 miesięcznie za to Czy notatka że ta usługa pochodzi z zasadą Płatności tylko za co najmniej 10 zasad zysku. Ty płacisz tylko 197, gdy usługa spowoduje, że co najmniej 10 pod koniec miesiąca Jeśli nie jest to przynoszące zysku lub sprawia, że ​​mniej niż 10 zysków za miesiąc, nie musisz płacić za korzystanie z usługi w 197. W rzeczywistości jest to jedyne miejsce, gdzie otrzymasz taką politykę, w której płacisz tylko wtedy, gdy osiągasz zysk. Głównym celem tej usługi jest pomoc odejmij opłatę zapłaconą za ten kurs, a także sprawdź działanie tej usługi zanim zdecydujesz, czy chcesz pozostać w niej czy nie. Zauważ, że możesz pozostać w służbie tak długo jak chcesz, ale ja osobiście wolę, abyś się uczył od handlu ze mną i pewnego dnia mógłby się targować bez korzystania z tej usługi. Najczęstsze pytania dotyczące tego kursu.1 Jak długo masz dostęp do materiału kursu, czy jest jakiś czas na to. Nie , będziesz mieć dostęp do całego cyklu życia, aby móc go przeglądać w agai n.2 Czy jest kurs fizyczny kursu. Nie, kurs jest dostępny tylko w wersji online, gdzie można uzyskać dostęp do obszaru członków, aby dowiedzieć się wszystkiego, co jest w trakcie Powodem, dla którego jest on dostępny tylko w internecie to pozwolić mi dać wszystkim studentom natychmiastowe uaktualnienia kursu, jak i kiedy jest to wymagane.3 Czy mogę uzyskać dostęp do całego kursu, a nie otrzymywać go jeden moduł co 3 dni. Czy możesz zaplanować to co 3 dni to pozwolić Ci powoli tracić i ćwiczyć każdy moduł przed przejściem do następnego nie chcę, abyś cierpiał na przeciążenie informacji. Jednakże, jeśli chcesz mieć dostęp do całego kursu, możesz wysłać mi e-maila raz dokonałeś płatności i dam Ci dostęp do całego kursu. 4 Czy udzielasz wsparcia drogą elektroniczną swoim studentom. Tak, oczywiście, uczniowie mogą mnie zadzwonić, jeśli mają jakieś pytania dotyczące kursu. Jednak w weekendy nie odpowiadam na e-maila, Rezerwuję ten czas dla mojej rodziny po 5 w napięte dni handlu Więc jeśli wysłałeś mi e-maila w weekendy, odpowiem Ci w poniedziałek.5 Czy istnieją inne ukryte płatności lub wskaźniki, które musimy kupić, aby skorzystać z twoich strategii. Nie, nie ma dodatkowej płatności po zakupie kursu nie musisz kupować żadnych wskaźników ani oprogramowania, aby korzystać z moich strategii. Jest to prawdziwy, atrakcyjny sposób na zarabianie pieniędzy na wysokim poziomie zysku, na który czekasz. Skorzystaj z okazji, aby dowiedzieć się bezpośrednio od profesjonalnego przedsiębiorcy i strategisty z programem Forex Street University. Czy zaczynasz widzieć jak cenne jest to szkolenie i dlaczego jestem tak podekscytowany tym, że przynosi Ci to dzisiaj. Wiele czynników wpływa na określenie, ile pieniędzy zrobisz w rynki Mój program Forex Street University znacznie zwiększy Twoje szanse na długą karierę w bogatym świecie handlu. Twoim celem jest bycie własnym szefem jako handlowca w domu lub profesjonalny broker, edukacja, którą zdobędziesz w programie, jest bezcenna i za bardzo szybko zapłaci za siebie. Jestem przekonany, że będzie to jedna z najlepszych inwestycji, jakie kiedykolwiek zrobiłaś. Pozostała tylko teraz, aby upewnić się, że skorzystasz z tego niesamowitego edukacyjnej okazji, aby uzyskać Forex edukacji życia od prawdziwego profesjonalnego handlowca. Bezpieczne miejsce w moim Forex Street University Program Now. What inni mówią o mojej Forex Signal Service, która zajmuje się tymi strategiami w tym Forex Street University Course. Stop Czekając za Twój handel zmianami i zacznij robić coś na ten temat. TERAZ. Chcesz, aby wreszcie przenieść swój handel na wyższy poziom i mieć pewność, że w końcu będziesz miał odpowiednie szkolenie i narzędzia, których potrzebujesz. Teraz jest czas na aby uzyskać dostęp do mojego programu Forex Street University Program TODAY i uzyskać kompleksowe, interaktywne doświadczenie edukacyjne, które ma takich przedsiębiorców jak siebie. Warto, że dostajesz w tańcu s inwestycja jest fenomenalna. STOP walczy o mistrzostwo w trudnym systemie handlu na własną rękę. STOP szukając sposobu zarabiania zautomatyzowanych zysków z Forex. STOP zazdroszczących tym, którzy wydają się gotów na Forex z łatwością. STOP marnowanie pieniędzy inwestycyjnych na śmieci to nie robi RETURNS. Forex Street University Program jest dla każdego Niezależnie od tego, czy masz doświadczenie w handlu FX, był prześwietlony finansowo na giełdzie, miał ograniczony czas na handel na co dzień lub początkujący handlowiec, dowiesz się technicznych i fundamenty, które napędzają rynek walutowy i zwiększą efektywność w handlu. CIEŚCIE, KTÓRE MNIE BYĆ DLA MŁODZIEŻY MAMY NIEKTÓRE WIĘCEJ WIADOMOŚCI. Twoja inwestycja do dołączenia - SPECJALNE CENY. W najbliższych chwilach zajmiemy się tym, jak możesz uzyskać dostęp do Programu Forex Street University. Najpierw chcemy mieć pewność, że jesteś gotów dać Forex Street University Program szczere szanse, aby pokazać, co można zrobić. Z której powiedziałeś, że jesteś resp. onsible dla własnych sukcesów i porażek Mój program daje Ci wszystkie szkolenia i narzędzia, które trzeba odnieść sukces Mogę podzielić się swoją wiedzą z Tobą Właściwie wdrażanie metod i narzędzi szkoleniowych to Twoja odpowiedzialność. Nie wierzę w bogatą szybkie programy Nie raz obiecałem Ci, że mój program sprawi, że będziesz bogatą nocą Jeśli więc chcesz przystąpić do programu Forex Street University z nadzieją na bogatą noc to nie dla Ciebie. Jeśli jesteś osobą, która podejmuje działania , dąży do zysków, stawia w uczciwy wysiłek i pozostanie spójny, a następnie, Forex Street University Program będzie pracować dla Ciebie i musisz przystąpić do dzisiejszego. Zdałem sobie sprawę, dlaczego naprawdę powinien zostać członkiem Forex Ulica University Program i jaka jest cenna To naprawdę nie jest brainer, więc przenieść się do jak możesz join. I zapytał, ile będziemy należało za Forex Street University Program. I powiedziano mi, że mogłem łatwo char ge 5000 dla programu Forex Street University, ponieważ wiemy, że Twój zwrot z inwestycji będzie fenomenalny. Zawartość, narzędzia i wieloletnie doświadczenie są warte ponad 5.000. Z tego powodu zdecydowałem, że jest to coś, co musi być wycenione na wysokim poziomie, zniechęcają producentów opon, którzy naprawdę są gotowi, aby poważnie traktować transakcje kupna pieniędzy i zepsuć to doświadczenie wszystkim. Wystarczy rozsądnie uwzględnić przedsiębiorcę, który mógł mieć trudną drogę i może mieć ograniczone fundusze edukacyjne w krótkim w tym momencie oferuję ten program Forex Street University za specjalną cenę 297 Normalna cena detaliczna 397 na najbliższe kilka dni. Ta specjalna cena to obchodzić 6-tą rocznicę mojego blogu ForexIndicator Jeśli ACT TERAZ i możesz zabezpieczyć swoje miejsce w Forex Street University za tę wyjątkową cenę. Możesz dostać ten kurs na 297. Możliwości takie jak to nie pojawia się często Pytanie brzmi teraz, czy zamierzasz skorzystać to kliknij na przycisk poniżej, aby zabezpieczyć miejsce w programie, a specjalna cena 297 jest nadal dostępna. Należy pamiętać, że zostanie wysłany na stronę rejestracji, aby skonfigurować swoją nazwę użytkownika i hasło wkrótce po dokonaniu płatności. informacje będą mogli uzyskać dostęp do obszaru członkowskiego, w którym będzie można obejrzeć samouczki wideo i przykłady handlowe, które przygotowałem dla Ciebie na tym kursie. Należy pamiętać, że co trzy dni po otrzymaniu nowego modułu otrzymasz nowy moduł płatności, dzięki czemu będziesz miał czas, aby ćwiczyć to, czego nauczyłeś się w każdym module Jeśli chcesz mieć dostęp do całego kursu jednocześnie, proszę wyślij mi e-maila po dokonaniu zakupu i wejdę do systemu, pełny dostęp do całego kursu. Zauważ, że będziesz miał dostęp do całego cyklu życia, a także aktualizację na cały czas. Zrób tę szansę TERAZ, aby FINAŁY Weź handel na poziomach, które zawsze marzyłeś Kliknij przycisk Dodaj do koszyka Button TERAZ. Chociaż cena może brzmieć stromą dla niektórych z Was, strategie dowiesz się w Forex Street University przyniesie Ci o wiele więcej wartości i sukcesu. Z pieniędzy można zarobić, ucząc się wszystkich tych strategii w tym kursie, może nawet zapłacić za siebie i więcej. Pamiętaj, że otrzymasz jeden moduł co trzy dni po dokonaniu płatności, abyś miał czas na ćwiczenie tego, czego nauczyłeś się w każdym module Jeśli chcesz mieć dostęp do cały kurs na raz proszę mi posłać e-maila po dokonaniu zakupu i wejdę do systemu, aby uzyskać pełny dostęp do całego kursu. Zużycie 1 Jednorazowa opłata w wysokości 297.Opłata 2 Czas Ograniczona płatność ratalna2 Płatności za zaliczkę z 148 50. W celu potwierdzenia 6 rocznicy mojego bloga forexindicator dodam w tym planie płatności ratalnej dla wszystkich uczniów Jednak po zakończeniu promocji musisz zapłacić za pośrednictwem opcji 1. W tej opcji dostaniesz się do pierwszy moduł 5 s po kursie po dokonaniu pierwszej wpłaty w wysokości 148 50 Czternastu Dni później, zostanie Ci naliczony inny 148 50, jeśli jesteś zadowolony z kursu i chcesz kontynuować naukę ode mnie. Możesz jednak zdecydować się na anulowanie płatności w dowolnym momencie aby zatrzymać otrzymywanie pozostałych modułów Możesz nadal przechowywać pierwsze 5 modułów, które dałem Ci dostęp do. Kelvin, Kurs Street Street University. PS Dzisiaj jest dzień, który może zmienić Twoje życie na zawsze Nie daj się niezdecydować teraz żałujesz później Uzyskać Forex Street University TODAY.0 komentarze Piątek, 29 maja 2009. objaśnienia obrotu Forex. Do wyobrażasz sobie, że niektóre płatne lub darmowe kursy forex trading. Could wyobrażasz sobie, że możemy handlu jak maszyny do handlu forex online to. Could być doskonałe Jeśli zdecydowałeś się zainwestować w forex, handel byłby w 100.efektywny smutny, jego niemożliwe Do tej pory przynajmniej, chociaż jego ludzie, którzy nie potrafią handlować, unikając emocji Ale to nie znaczy, że tylko jeśli jesteś człowiekiem , nie możesz handlować tak, że większość technologii handlowych łączy w sobie pewien procent szans na. win i niektóre procent stresu Technologie najbardziej skuteczne są jednocześnie najbardziej stresujące w tym samym czasie Dlatego nieuniknione jest, że wybierzesz ten, który zapewnia Ci największą szansę wygrać i to jest w tym samym czasie. Nie jest niemożliwe, aby poradzić sobie z presją Wybierając właściwą technikę trading. is wiele o indywidualnych cechach Oznacza to, że ta sama technologia. będzie idealna dla niektórych handlowców, ale będzie oznaczać straty dla innych I jego. Nie oczywiste, że osoba, która nie używa jakiejś technologii, to robi coś. Więc, co jeśli się zdarzy, że znajdziesz podział na handel najbardziej skuteczny. Ale pewnego dnia przynosi to stratom matematycznie nie ma sensu, ale jeśli you. take biorąc pod uwagę, że jesteś człowiekiem, a handel wpływa nie tylko na technologię. Technologia staje się bardziej zrozumiała Jeśli technologia nie pasuje do Ciebie, to przyniesie Ci tylko straty Jeśli nie weźmiesz ludzkiego czynnika w ac liczenie, twoja długofalowa strategia nie ma przyszłości. Nie bądź zbyt entuzjastycznie nastawiony do dawnego przykładu. Jego wspólna transakcja podziału transakcji jest znacznie skuteczniejsza niż inne podejścia. Tak, chcemy tylko stwierdzić, że istnieje prawie nic absolutnego w handlu You. should zobaczyć cały obraz i być poinformowany I niech nikt cię nie przekona po prostu. to stwierdzając, że coś jest naukowo zatwierdzone Pomyśl o logice i. Excerpt z BIS. W badaniu z 2007 r. Wykazano bezprecedensowy wzrost aktywności na tradycyjnych rynkach walutowych w porównaniu z rokiem 2004 Średnie dzienne obroty wzrosły do ​​3 trylionów w kwietniu 2007 r., Wzrost o 71 przy obecnym kursie walutowym i 65 w warunkach stałych kursów walutowych Na tle niskich poziomów niestabilności rynku finansowego i awersji do ryzyka, uczestnicy rynku wskazują na znaczne zwiększenie aktywności grup inwestorów, w tym fundusze hedgingowe, co częściowo ułatwiło znaczny wzrost wykorzystania prime brokerage oraz inwestorów detalicznych. Wzrost poziomu handlu technicznego zwłaszcza handel algorytmiczny prawdopodobnie zwiększyłby obroty na rynku kasowym. Transakcje pomiędzy przedstawicielami sprawozdawczymi a nie zgłoszonymi instytucjami finansowymi, takimi jak fundusze hedgingowe, fundusze inwestycyjne, fundusze emerytalne i towarzystwa ubezpieczeniowe, wzrosły ponad dwukrotnie w okresie od kwietnia 2004 r. do kwietnia 2007 r. przyczyniły się do ponad połowa wzrostu łącznego obrotu - BIS. Divergence Trading Str ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── jest niższe niższe, a wskaźnik nie jest w przypadku potencjalnego top, regularne rozbieżności występuje, gdy cena robi wyższe poziomy, ale wskaźnik nie jest. Różnica jest używana przez wielu przedsiębiorców jako wiodący wskaźnik Co to jest wiodący wskaźnik Jest to wskaźnik, który może czasami przewidywać odwrócenie tendencji cenowych. Innymi słowy, rozbieżność czasami ma możliwość znalezienia dna i wierzchołków. Oscylator wskaźników sygnalizuje Ci, że nastąpi przesunięcie tempa, a cena nie może być w stanie utrzymać jej kierunek znacznie dłużej. Dlatego też, cena może być gotowa do odwrócenia i rozpocząć nowy trend. Confused Don t be To proste rzeczy. Mój schemat poniżej wyjaśnia regularne rozbieżności znacznie lepiej niż ja potrafię words. The obraz powyżej wykazują rozbieżność w przypadku wyraźnego rozbieżności Jeśli zobaczysz wskaźnik pokazujący ten typ wzoru w porównaniu do ceny, jest to wskazanie potencjalnego dolnego warunku Powiedziałem, że możliwe techniki Divergence, jak wszystko inne w handlu dnia lub jakiegokolwiek obrotu w tej sprawie, działa tylko niektóre z tych czasów. Dla każdego wzoru rozbieżności, na którym widzisz z powodzeniem cenę za dolną lub górną krawędź, zobaczysz więcej, które nie powiodły się Możesz jednak zwiększyć szanse na rozbieżności, zauważając zyskowne transakcje, jeśli potrzebujesz wzoru d. podwójnego rozbieżności , a nie tylko pojedynczą rozbieżność, jak na obrazku powyżej. Będę kontynuować i pokażę ci, co mam na myśli z rzeczywistym przykładem wykresów akcji. 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List of international bank holidays affecting the Forex market in 2017 Date Country Central Bank Forex trading implies that you re voluntarily taking possible Tomorrow, Friday, 3rd July, is a major public holiday in the U S A This year, the 4th of July is effectively the 3rd of July, 2017 Find out how this affects Forex. U S Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and. Research A Guide to Evaluating Crime Control of Programs in Public Housing. Washington, DC Prepared for the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development. by KRA Corporation 1997 pp 5 1-5 15.An evaluation plan is a written document that states the objectives of the evaluation, the questions that will be answered, the information that will be collected to answer these questions, and when collection of information will begin and end You can think of the evaluation plan as the instructions for the evaluation This plan can be used to guide you through each step of the evaluation process because it details the practices and procedures for successfully conducting your evaluation. Once the evaluation plan has been completed, it is a good idea to have it reviewed by selected individuals for their comments and suggestions Potential reviewers include. Public Housing Agency PHA administrators who can determine whether the evaluation plan is consistent with the agency s resources and evaluation obje ctives. Housing staff who can provide feedback on whether the evaluation will create an excessive burden for them and whether it is appropriate for residents. This chapter describes the components for an evaluation plan and provides an outline for preparing a plan Although you may never need to develop one without assistance, it is helpful for you to know what a plan is and how it is being used by the evaluator you select The information contained in this chapter will help you. Work with an experienced evaluator either an outside evaluator or someone within your PHA to develop a plan. Obtain a basic understanding of what should be included in an evaluation plan to assist you as you review one. A sample evaluation plan outline that may be used as a guide appears on the following pages The major sections of the outline are. Section I A description of the evaluation framework which specifies what you want to evaluate, what questions are to be addressed in the evaluation, and the timeframe for c onducting the evaluation. Section II A description of the program implementation objectives. Section III A description of the program outcome objectives and performance measures. Section IV Procedures for managing and monitoring the evaluation. A What you are going to evaluate. The initial program model assumptions about target population, interventions, short-term outcomes, intermediate outcomes, and final outcomes. Implementation objectives stated in general and then measurable terms. a What you plan to do, when, and how. b Who will do it. c Participant population and recruitment strategies. Outcome objectives stated in general and then measurable terms. Context for the evaluation. B Questions to be addressed in the evaluation. Are implementation objectives being attained If not, why not that is, what barriers or problems have been encountered What kinds of procedures facilitated implementation. Are outcome objectives being attained If not, why not that is, what barriers or problems have been enco untered What kinds of procedures facilitated attainment of outcomes. Do outcomes vary as a function of program features Which aspects of the program contributed the most to achieving expected outcomes. Do outcomes vary as a function of characteristics of the residents or staff. C The timeframe for the evaluation.1 When data collection will begin and end.2 How and why timeframe was selected. II Evaluating Implementation Objectives---Procedures and Methods. Question 1 Are Implementation Objectives Being Attained and, If Not, Why Not. A Objective 1 State objective in measurable terms Example Local police representative will attend all planning and resident training sessions. What to include. Type of information needed to determine if objective 1 is being attained and to assess barriers and facilitators that is, performance indicators Example Number of planning meetings attended by local police representative. Sources of information Include in your plans procedures for maintaining confidentiality o f the information obtained during the evaluation. How sources of information were selected. Timeframe for collecting information dates when the data collection is planned to begin and end. Methods for collecting the information that is, records reviews, interviews, paper and pencil questionnaires, and observations. Methods for analyzing the information to determine whether the objective was attained that is, tabulation of frequencies and assessment of relationships between or among variables. B Objective 2 Repeat the same information as in 1-6 of objective 1 above. C Objective 3 Repeat the same information as in 1-6 of objective 1 above. III Evaluating Outcome Objectives---Procedures and Methods. Question 2 Are Outcome Objectives Being Attained and, If Not, Why Not. A Objective 1 State outcome objective in measurable terms Example Decrease robberies on housing development property by 10 percent after 2 months of active security patrols. What to include. Types of information needed to determine if objective 1 is being attained that is, what evidence will you use to demonstrate the change Example Number of robberies committed per month before and after initiation of security patrols. Sources of information that is, housing staff, residents, PHA staff, and housing managers and sampling plan, if relevant. How sources of information were selected. Timeframe for collecting information dates when the data collection is planned to begin and end. Methods of collecting that information for example, questionnaires, observations, surveys, and interviews and plans for pretesting information collection methods. Methods for analyzing the information to determine whether the objective was attained that is, tabulation of frequencies and assessment of relationships between or among variables using statistical tests. B Objective 2 Repeat the same information as in 1-6 of objective 1 above. C Objective 3 Repeat the same information as in 1-6 of objective 1 above. IV Procedures for Managing and Monitoring the Evaluation. What to include. Procedures for training staff to collect evaluation-related information. Procedures for conducting quality-control checks of the information collection process. Time lines for collecting, analyzing, and reporting information, including procedures for providing evaluation related feedback to housing managers and staff. Section 1 The evaluation framework. This section of the evaluation plan presents the model for assessing your program activities see chapter 4 , program objectives, evaluation questions, and the timeframe for the evaluation that is, when you will begin and end collection of evaluation information Section I should also include a discussion of the context for the evaluation, particularly the aspects of the PHA, program staff, and residents that may affect the evaluation If an outside evaluator is preparing the plan, the evaluator will need your help to prepare this section to ensure that the evaluation is tailored to the needs of your PHA and the residents. Section 11 Evaluating implementation objectives. This section should provide detailed descriptions of what you plan to do, how you plan to do it, and who it is you want to reach This information will be used to answer evaluation questions pertaining to your implementation objectives, such as Are implementation objectives being attained If not, why not What barriers or challenges have been encountered What has facilitated attainment of these objectives. For each objective, the evaluation plan must describe the following. Types of information needed. Sources of information. Criteria for selecting information sources. Methods for collecting information, such as questionnaires and procedures. Timeframe for collecting information. Methods for analyzing information. Types of information needed Any information that is collected about your program activities or residents can be considered evaluation data The types of information needed will be guided by the program objectives you seek to ass ess For example, when your objective concerns what you plan to do, you will need to collect information on the types of services, activities, or initiatives that are developed and implemented who received services, and their duration and intensity. If the objective of your PHA is to provide increased security patrols at two sites, you will need to collect the following information. Number of resident volunteers. Number of hours in which security patrols operate. When the objective concerns who will participate, you will need to collect information about residents characteristics, the number of residents, how they were selected recruited, barriers encountered in the selection recruitment process, and factors that facilitated selection recruitment. If the objective is to involve 50 residents in a 6-week crime and drug reduction program, for example, you will want to collect the following information. Age, sex, and race of participants. Number of participants previously involved in criminal or d rug activity. Number of residents who are participating. Information on how the participants learned about the program. Amount of time residents participate in the program. Number of residents who successfully complete the program. Sources of information This refers to where, or from whom, you will obtain evaluation information Again, the selection of sources will be guided by the objective you are assessing For example. Information on services can come from program records or from interviews with program staff. Information on residents and recruitment strategies can come from program records and interviews with staff and residents. Information about barriers and facilitators to implementing the program or program activities can be obtained from interviews with relevant staff. This section of your plan should also include a discussion of how you will maintain the confidentiality of information you obtain from your sources In addition, it is wise to develop consent forms for those residents bein g asked to participate in the evaluation The consent form should include a description of the evaluation objectives and how the information will be used More information on maintaining confidentiality and a sample informed consent form appear in chapter 6.Criteria for selecting information sources If your initiative has a large number of staff members and or residents, you can reduce the time and cost of the evaluation by including only a sample of them as sources for evaluation information Sampling is a statistically reliable way of identifying a number of persons from the entire group of program participants who are representative of the group An experienced evaluator will be able to advise you as to whether or not you should select a sample for your evaluation. There are a variety of methods for sampling your sources. You can sample by identifying a specific timeframe for collecting evaluation-related information and including only those residents who participate during that timeframe. You can sample by randomly selecting the residents or staff to be used in the evaluation For example, you might assign case numbers to residents and include only the even-numbered cases in your evaluation. You can sample based on specific criteria, such as length of time with the program for staff or characteristics of residents, such as age, gender, size of family, and length of time in complex. Methods for collecting information For each implementation objective you are assessing, your evaluation plan must specify what information will be collected such as questionnaires and procedures and who will collect it To the extent possible, the collection of this information should be integrated into ongoing program operations For example, in training programs, the registration forms for residents and the initial assessments of participating residents can be used to collect evaluation-related information as well as information relevant to conducting the training There are a number of methods for collecting information including structured and open-ended interviews, paper and pencil inventories or questionnaires, observations, and systematic reviews of agency records or documents The methods you select will depend upon the following. The evidence you need to establish that your objectives were attained Performance measures make up this needed evidence They are the indicators that the program activities reached their intended goals. The information sources, which can be questionnaires, interviews, case records, or observations. Your available resources You will need to determine if you have the staff and funds available to collect the needed data. Chapter 6 provides more information on these sources The questionnaires of forms that you plan to use to collect evaluation information are usually included as part of your evaluation plan You will not want to begin an evaluation until you have developed or selected all of the data collection instruments you plan to use Developing or s electing questionnaires to use for the evaluation may require the assistance of an experienced evaluator. Timeframe for collecting information Although you will have already specified a general timeframe for the evaluation, you will need to specify one for collecting data relevant to each implementation objective Times for data collection will again be guided by the objective being assessed. Methods for analyzing information This section of your evaluation plan describes the practices and procedures for use in analyzing the evaluation information For assessing program implementation, the analyses will be primarily descriptive and may involve tabulating frequencies of services and resident characteristics and classifying narrative information into meaningful categories, such as types of barriers encountered, strategies for overcoming barriers, and types of facilitating factors An experienced evaluator can help your evaluation team design an analysis plan More information on analyzing prog ram implementation information is provided in chapter 7.Section III Evaluating outcome objectives and performance measures. The practices and procedures for evaluating whether the outcome objectives of your program have been met are similar to those for evaluating implementation objectives To evaluate outcome objectives you will probably use both qualitative and quantitative performance measures The performance measures will enable you to answer the following questions. Did residents and or the community demonstrate changes in knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or awareness Performance indicators could include self-reported increased knowledge, a change in attitude, a reduction in criminal activity or violent behavior, and increased awareness of their own or others violent behavior. Are the changes the result of the program s activities Are the reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, behavior, or awareness a direct result of your program Did the changes occur after involvement in the prog ram Are there other factors that may have influenced the changes. Two commonly used evaluation designs that can help you to answer these questions areparison of conditions before and after a program is establishedparison of conditions before and after a program is established, using a comparison group. A comparison of conditions before and after the violence prevention program is implemented requires that you collect information at least twice-once before the program is implemented and then again either sometime after the program has been in effect when you could expect the program to have had a measurable impact or after the program has ended You can collect outcome information as often as you like after the program has been implemented, but you must collect it on residents and or the community before implementing the program This information is called baseline information and is essential for demonstrating that a change occurred. If you are implementing an education or training program, this type of design can be effective for evaluating immediate changes in participants knowledge and attitudes In these types of programs, you can assess residents knowledge and attitudes prior to the training and immediately after training with some degree of certainty that any changes observed resulted from your interventions. A comparison of conditions before and after the violence prevention program is implemented using a comparison group also requires that you collect information at a minimum of two points in time and that you collect information from individuals or about a housing development or neighborhood not affected by your violence prevention program The purpose of a comparison group is to determine if changes you find in your residents or housing development conditions are attributable to your program and not to some other reason Comparison data might be obtained from the following. Housing development residents not participating in the violence prevention program but who ar e similar to program participants in most other ways for example, male teenagers not participating in a midnight basketball program. Crime statistics from a nearby housing development that has characteristics similar to your housing development s characteristics, such as type of development building that is, highrise or garden apartments , number of teenagers, and level of criminal activity before your violence prevention program was implemented. There are obvious cost considerations when including a comparison group in your evaluation design You must be able to identify a group of individuals or a housing development or neighborhood that is similar to your residents, development, or neighborhood You must be able to obtain data from such individuals or about the development or neighborhood Both of these tasks will require some research and additional data collection activity Although there are additional costs, the information from a comparison group will provide significantly more evide nce concerning the effectiveness of your program if your program participants have more positive scores on performance measures than the comparison group You can state with more certainty that your program was effective in bringing about the observed change and that this is not due to some other reason. Pretesting information collection instruments Your evaluation plan will need to include a discussion of your plans for testing out your questionnaires before using them for evaluation This process is commonly referred to as pretesting Chapter 6 provides information on pretesting instruments. Analyzing participant outcome information Your plan for evaluating outcomes should include a description of how you intend to analyze the data that has been collected The analyses are intended to answer the questions about whether change occurred and whether changes that occurred can be attributed to your program. Education Project Evaluation. Plan an Evaluation. These are the California B-WET grant requ irements for your project evaluation. Tool Evaluation Plan Assessment Reviewers Rubric. Use this rubric to assess the evaluation section of your California B-WET proposal This rubric is based on the five questions in the evaluation section assessment from the B-WET RFP and is the one that reviewers will use to score the evaluation section of your grant To use the rubric, read through your proposal s evaluation section, then read each question below and the directions for scoring on a scale from 3 to 0 and for tallying your score A top score is 10 points. Examples Proposal Evaluation Section. These are provided as examples of a thoughtful and appropriate evaluation section for a B-WET grant proposal. We will evaluate our project to improve its design and assess its effectiveness in reaching our education objectives At the start of the grant we will conduct a front-end evaluation likely via a survey of program participants high-school and college students to determine their prior knowledge an d attitudes about the topics they will study At the end of the summer workshop and twice during the school year, all participants will repeat relevant portions of the front-end survey so we can track changes in knowledge, attitudes and possibly stewardship actions immediately after their experiences as well as over time a time series evaluation design At the end of the grant we will report the summative impact of this project on participants. The broad questions we will attempt to answer with this evaluation are. Do participants understanding of the local watershed system improve and do they feel better connected to the local system Are the topics presented during the workshop relevant to participants Do they inspire stewardship interests actions. What impact does the program have on participants aspirations toward advanced schooling, interest in pursuit of science careers, and stewardship actions. What aspects of this program content, pedagogy, field experiences and or mentoring do partic ipants report as having the greatest impacts of them. The target audience for this evaluation is teachers participating in a weeklong summer workshop The main questions for the evaluation are. Which aspects of the workshop worked well Which didnt work What changes would improve the workshop. Whats the impact of the workshop on the teachers who attend Does it change their knowledge or how to teach the content, and in what ways. What impact does the workshop have on classroom practice Do the teachers use what they learned in the workshop. All teacher participants would complete a pre-workshop survey At the end of each day, teachers would provide feedback on the days events and activities via a feedback form On the last day of the workshop, teachers would complete a post-workshop survey one similar to the pre-workshop survey. The survey and feedback forms would use a mix of questions to collect qualitative and quantitative data Data from the pre-workshop survey would be compared to responses on the post-workshop survey to track changes in participants over the week Responses on the feedback forms will help us improve the delivery of the program. Approximately 6 months after the workshop, teacher participants will be asked to complete an online or telephone survey to determine the workshops impacts on their teaching and their use of the materials we provided. Our main evaluation question is Whats the impact of the program on students We want to know if, at the end of the school year, students know understand more about watersheds than they did at the beginning of the year. This evaluation will focus on program participants middle school students We plan to collect data using two methods 1 student concept maps on the concept watershed and 2 a survey or interview of teachers about the program and any other watershed-related activities they may have used in the classroom, as well as background information on their classes, teaching experience and experience with concept maps. A conc ept map is a knowledge representation tool developed by Joseph Novak and associates in the 1970s Novak, 1998, p 27 Concepts maps met a need for an evaluation tool that can show easily and precisely changes in students conceptual understanding Novak, 1998, p 192 This evaluation method has been found to be reliable and valid by Novak and other researchers Novak, 1998.We plan to use the concept mapping technique as a pre-test in the winter, before students have experienced the program And then use the same technique late in the school year to post-test students on the same concept We will gain parents permission for students to participate in this evaluation For students whose parents do not grant permission, we have an art activity for them to complete at test time Each test session should take about an hour During that time we plan to train students on how to create a concept map using a non-watershed concept, then well ask them to construct a concept map on the concept watershed. We int end to use Novaks scoring criteria Novak, 1984, pg 105-108 to derive a numerical score for the concept maps for each student Then well use statistical analyses to compare students pre-test and post-test scores statistical tests to be determined Our hypothesis is that the program will have a positive impact on students knowledge about the local watershed. Novak, J D 1998 Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge Concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Novak, J D Gowin, D B 1984 Learning How to Learn Cambridge Cambridge University Press. Of our project objectives, our evaluation will focus on assessing our success at increasing participants knowledge about the local watershed, engaging them in quality scientific investigations and increasing their stewardship actions toward the watershed We will use a mixed-methods evaluation strategy surveys and observations to provide us with formative data so we can improve our program and summative data to show our programs impact The principal investigators will implement the evaluation with Dr XYZ serving as our advisor on the development of assessment instruments, the analysis of data and reporting of results. We will start on the first day of the program with a pre-program survey of participants knowledge of local watersheds and their actions regarding wetland conservation We will conduct a nearly identical post-program survey during the final day of the program During each field work session, two trained interns will use an observation instrument to assess the quality of participants field investigations The observers will share their findings with the staff after each session so we can improve how we conduct the field work with participants Finally, at the end of the program, we will ask participants to complete a survey about their intended actions regarding conservation of the local watershed. Pre - and post-survey data will be compiled and compared to determine the impact of the program on participants All the evaluation data collected will be summarized and included in our final report. These are provided as examples of a poorly planned or articulated evaluation section for a B-WET grant proposal. We will evaluate our project by observing the students during the program and discussing our observations at regular staff meetings Parents will also complete an assessment tool to provide feedback. We will hire an outside evaluator to develop online surveys that both teachers and students will complete Students will also keep journals and present final projects, which will encompass all they ve learned during the program Evaluation will be both formative and summative with the evaluator compiling and reporting on the results. By documenting the number of people who attend the program each month we will assess its success At the end of each program we will ask participants to tell us what they thought about the program and suggest ways to improve it We will also ask them to tell us one thing they learned from that program This information will help us improve the program so that it better meets our objectives and participants needs. Logic Model A Planning Tool. Attached is a logic model template to help you plan your project and its evaluation This is a good tool to help you think about your project as a whole The first column includes your objectives, that is, how you believe your audience will be different after they participate in your project The next three columns are where you list what you will provide do in order to meet your objectives The final two columns are your outcomes-how your audience will be different immediately after participating in your project and in the not-to-distant future. What is a logic model. Helps you and colleagues partners link all the components together on the same page. Helps project program designers differentiate between objectives and activities, between outputs and outcomes. Helps managers stakehold ers see how all the components fit together. Aids decision making about resources and activities. Helps managers determine where resources will go to achieve impacts. Sets up project program so that it s easier to evaluate. Helps individuals see how they contribute to the project program. Funders are starting to request them. Something else to do. Something new to learn. Takes time and thought. Have to think through project program before jumping into doing activities. Could make you more accountable for what you do. Quant trading strategies bookstores. 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A comprehensive guide to Forex trading for individual investors. Countless money-making opportunities abound in the Foreign Exchange Forex market every day, but how does an amateur investor take advantage of these opportunities to earn high returns This book by CNBC-featured Forex Expert Mario Singh provides a comprehensive solution to this question. Following the first section that explains in plain English what is Forex trading, how money is made in the Forex game, the six major players involved, and the importance of knowing one s Trader Profile the second section focuses on specific and practical guidance which includes. A Trader Profile Test to help the reader get a clear picture of his natural trading style and which of five trading profiles he belongs to Scalper, Day Trader, Swing Trader, Position Trader or Mecha nical Trader.17 proven trading strategies between 2 to 5 strategies for each trader profile for the reader to immediately start cashing in on the Forex market. Descriptions of an array of real-world trading scenarios, with tips on how to address them. A section that shows the reader how to custom-tailor a trading system designed for his sensibilities and risk tolerance. Forex hedging strategies for finance professionals at multinational corporations. Short on theory and long on practical insights and step-by-step guidance, 17 Proven Currency Trading Strategies How To Profit in the Forex Market will help anyone from beginners to professionals, and everyone in between to master the Forex market and be consistently profitable. PART ONE Forex Is a Game 1.CHAPTER 1 How to Play the Game 3.The Forex Game 3.Forex and the Seven Majors 5.CHAPTER 2 How Money Is Made in the Game 15.Buy Low, Sell High 15.Three Points in Every Trade 17.Bid Ask Spread 23.What Causes the Price of Currencies. to Fluctuate 25.Fraction Theory 30.Reading the Charts 31.Market Structure 37.CHAPTER 3 The Six Major Players 51.Central Banks 51mercial and Investment Banks 58.Multinational Corporations 62.Institutional Traders 68.Retail Forex Brokers 69.Retail Traders 70.CHAPTER 4 Why You Must Play the Game 73.Top 17 Reasons to Trade Forex 73.CHAPTER 5 Play It Your Way Understanding. Your Profile 87.The Experiment 88.Five Categories of Forex Traders 92.Your Perfect Strategy 98.PART TWO Strategies to Win the Game 109.Includes details on the FXPRIMUS.100 bonus trading credit. CHAPTER 6 Strategies for Scalpers 111.Strategy 1 Rapid-Fire Strategy 111.Strategy 2 Piranha Strategy 118.CHAPTER 7 Strategies for Day Traders 125.Strategy 3 Fade the Break 126.Strategy 4 Trade the Break 131.Trading the News 138.Strategy 5 Gawk the Talk 143.Strategy 6 Balk the Talk 148.CHAPTER 8 Strategies for Swing Traders 155.Strategy 7 Trend Rider 155.Strategy 8 Trend Bouncer 163.Strategy 9 Fifth Element 169.Strategy 10 Power Ranger 177.Strategy 11 The Pendulum 185.CHAPTER 9 Strategies for Position Traders 191.Strategy 12 Swap and Fly 192.Strategy 13 Commodity Correlation Part 1 199.Strategy 13 Commodity Correlation Part 2 204.Strategy 14 Siamese Twins 210.CHAPTER 10 Strategies for Mechanical Traders 217.Strategy 15 Guppy Burst 217.Strategy 16 English Breakfast Tea 223.Strategy 17 Good Morning Asia 228.CHAPTER 11 Conclusion 235.About the Author 241.About the Website 243.Plus FXPRIMUS 100 bonus trading credit. Mario Singh is founder and CEO of FX1 Academy, the first and largest Forex education company in Singapore and Malaysia He has personally touched the lives of over 20,000 people, helping them move closer to their financial goals through Forex trading Mario Singh is also the director of training and education of FXPRIMUS, Asia s fastest growing Forex broker He is featured regularly in Smart Investor and Your Trading Edge, and has appeared on CNBC, Channel NewsAsia, Personal Money, News Radio, City News, The Straits Times, F Xstreet , and Your Choice He also writes a weekly Forex column for a Singaporean national newspaper, My Paper. Connect with Wiley Publicity. With an average of 4 3 trillion exchanged per day, the Foreign Exchange Forex market is the largest and the most actively traded market in the world With a potent combination of unprecedented liquidity and sovereign debt levels in the world today, there truly has never been a better time to get involved in Forex, notes the book s author, Mario Singh, founder and CEO of FX1 Academy, who humbly invites ordinary folks outside of the finance industry who are looking to create a powerful second income to consider this opportunity. His new book, 17 Proven Currency Trading Strategies is equipped with the same knowledge and tools that are used by savvy Forex traders providing a comprehensive solution on how to take advantage of the countless money-making opportunities abound in the Forex market every day.17 Proven Currency Trading Strategies published by Wil ey, skillfully illustrates how to custom-tailor a trading system designed for all types of sensibilities and risk tolerance, including. Concise and accessible format There are two parts to the book, first it explains in plain English what is Forex trading, how money is made in the Forex game , the six major players involved, and the importance of knowing one s Trader Profile The second part provides between two and five strategies pertinent to each of the five Trader Profiles mentioned in the book. Practical approach The book is filled with illustrations to clearly explain what to look out for and how to apply the strategies in a real-time situationpanion website includes documents to supplement the information in the book. Free online quiz by the author, includes twenty-five multiple-choice questions, to reveal the investor s Trader Profile The quiz can be accessed at. The book is an indispensable guide for ordinary folks outside of the finance industry whether they are a recent college g raduate or a baby boomer preparing to retire a middle manager or business owner or looking for a reliable second income stream. It is also a useful resource for investors and traders of every classification from retail investors and fund managers, to portfolio managers and institutional investors looking to expand their trading horizons and win big in the Forex market. The book is priced at US 70 00 and is available at leading bookstores and online sites For more information, go to. Trading Psychological Whole Numbers. There are many different ways of looking at support and resistance, with few as compelling as the study of psychological whole numbers. If youve been trading on charts for long enough, youve surely noticed the odd behavior that prices will have a tendency to exhibit when a round number prices such as 9900 or 9800 on AUDUSD is seen Below is a picture of the Aussie-Dollars recent struggle to get over the parity level. Created with Marketscope Trading Station. As you may know, par ity is the price of 1 0000 on AUDUSD or to put it another way this is when One Australian Dollar is worth One US Dollar. Things get weird at this exchange rate. As human beings, we have a tendency to value simplicity, and our own internal psychology plays a large role with the odd price behaviors that may be exhibited at these psychological levels. Lets walk through a simple example. If someone were to ask you how much you spent on your computer, youd likely respond with an amount rounded to the nearest hundred ah, about 800, or I paid 900 Sure, you can give an exact answer like Six-hundred-and-thirty-nine dollars and ninety-six cents but that doesnt really make any sense If I had asked the question, I probably dont care about the 39 96 I just wanted a ballpark idea for how much you paid for the computer. Out of simplicity, most people most of the time will automatically round to the nearest whole number. This happens in trading too. Traders looking to sell the AUDUSD currency pair place a st op at an even 1 0000 not imagining that the price might come into play shortly thereafter. What are the whole numbers. Traders will often call these whole number intervals double-zeros, as these prices are at even numbers such as 1 31000 on EURUSD, 1 57000 on GBPUSD or 132 00 on GBPJPY The chart below will identify the Double-Zeros on the current EURUSD chart. Created with Marketscope Trading Station. Some traders will even take this a step further by looking at the number directly in the middle of these whole numbers or the fifties These levels, such as 1 31500 on EURUSD or 131 50 on GBPJPY can often come into play in the same manner as the double-zeros. One look at any chart will notice that there will often be some element of congestion at these levels as prices move up or down The chart below illustrates EURUSD with double-zeros and fifties denoted. Created with Marketscope Trading Station. Notice that many of the price swings on the above chart take place around one of these levels This is why we want to incorporate these levels into our support and resistance studies. Now lets look at the same chart, with some of these swings identified. Created with Marketscope Trading Station. This is why these prices can work so well as support and resistance Because people traders watch, and care about these prices Not every one of these prices are going to function as support or resistance, but enough do that these levels warrant the traders attention. Why do Psychological Levels Work. Psychological Support and Resistance often works because of the very fact that we looked at to start this article As human beings, we value simplicity we think in whole numbers and often, when placing stops or limits, we use these prices. These stops and limits can massively alter order flow and price changes Lets use the EURUSD as a current example, as price recently made a large move down around the news and events of the European Debt Crisis On the chart below, Ive marked 3 strong inflections off of the 1 3000 neighborhood. Created with Marketscope Trading Station. Each time price approached 1 3000, the currency pair bounced back up This can be explained for a few reasons. Perhaps traders saw the price of 1 3000 and thought whoa, that is way too cheap Im going to buy some Euros. Or, more likely, as traders were opening short positions, they set profit targets at an even 1 3000, so that when that price was hit they had a pending order to buy to cover This profit target order to close their position created demand in the market they were buying to cover, and this buying interest is considered demand. After the first inflection, traders may not have been extremely bullish on the prospect of pushing price much lower than 1 3000 After all, this price has already been exhibited as support. In many ways, untested psychological levels can be looked at like pivot points An area where there may be some element of support or resistance, but unfortunately it is impossible to tell until after the fa ct. In general, round numbers such as 1 30000 on EURUSD or 1 0000 on AUDUSD or USDCAD will garner more attention than a more pedestrian level like 1 31000 on EURUSD so many traders will often assign a higher degree of strength to the more rounded-intervals. Where traders can really find value with these levels is when prices may have resisted or been supported there in the past This tells the trader that others are noticing and acting on those prices, and the potential for the self-fulfilling prophecy of technical analysis may potentially be considered with more strength.--- Written by James B Stanley. To contact James Stanley, please email InstructorDailyFX You can follow James on Twitter JStanleyFX. To join James Stanleys distribution list, please click here. Catching Trend Reversals Review. The Catching Trend Reversals video had been shot within 2007 from among Dr Elder s traders camps kept within the Dominican Republic exactly where We had been their visitor teacher Pattern reversals mak e reference to comes as well as upthrusts Anytime We talk about buying and selling as well as graph reading through, We start with what You may earn a living buying and selling comes as well as upthrusts. 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Add it worth day Good start reading now both accessible and monthly etf trading strategy Mar Etf trading strategies revealed Etf trading strategies to the handbook isbn is Etf trading strategy, text file Of etf ma rket maker on new etf strategies revealed and futures. Exclusive SEC targets 10 firms in high frequency trading probe - SEC document. The U S Securities and Exchange Commission logo adorns an office door at the SEC headquarters in Washington, June 24, 2011.NEW YORK The U S Securities and Exchange Commission has been seeking information on 10 registered broker dealers as part of an ongoing investigation into high-frequency trading strategies, according to an internal SEC document reviewed by Reuters. The regulator told its staff in late March that it was interested in seeing any tips, complaints, or referrals that they receive concerning the brokers and high frequency trading. The firms listed are Allston Trading LLC Hudson River Trading LLC Jump Trading LLC Latour Trading LLC, which is an affiliate of Tower Trading Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Octeg LLC, which has been merged into a unit of KCG Holdings Inc Tradebot Systems Inc Two Sigma Investments LLC Two Sigma Securities LLC and Virtu Financial. They are all some of the largest trading firms in the U S Allston and Jump are both based in Chicago Hudson River, Latour, Merrill, Two Sigma, and Virtu are headquartered in New York KCG is in Jersey City, New Jersey, and Tradebot is based in Kansas City, Missouri. Jump, Latour, Bank of America, Hudson River, Tradebot and KCG declined to comment The other firms did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Their number and the open-ended quest for information shows that the SEC is casting a wide net as it looks to unearth wrongdoing in the marketplace. It is not known if the SEC found any violations of securities laws at any of the firms The SEC declined to comment. A number of government agencies, including the SEC, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman s office, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have said they had active probes into high-speed and automated trading. The SEC has been seeking evidence of abuse of o rder types, as well as traditional forms of abusive trading like layering or spoofing and other issues relating to high-frequency trading that might be violations of the law, SEC Director of Enforcement Andrew Ceresney told Reuters in May reut rs 1kwSqF5.Spoofing and layering are tactics where traders places orders that they cancel before they are executed to create the false impression of demand, aiming to trick others into buying or selling a stock at the artificial price. High frequency trading firms account for more than half of all trades in the U S stock market, and are often seen as modern-day market makers They make it easier for investors to trade by stepping in and taking the other sides of many orders and profiting off of trading spreads. Scrutiny around high-frequency trading intensified following the March 31 release of best-selling author Michael Lewis book, Flash Boys A Wall Street Revolt In the book, Lewis contends that high-frequency traders have rigged the stock market, profiting from speeds unavailable to others. This version of the story was refiled to correct the spelling of Allston in the fourth paragraph. Reporting by John McCrank additional reporting by Herb Lash, editing by John Pickering. Forex RSI Trading Strategy. The RSI Relative Strength Indicator indicator developed by J Welles Wilder is used to to measure oversold and overbought market conditions A value between 0 and 30 is considered oversold, while a value between 70 and 100 is considered overbought. Forex traders often make the huge mistake to trade all overbought and oversold signals from RSI which leads to poor trading results, especially in strong up - and downtrends The forex RSI strategy explains how to use the RSI indicator properly in two simple steps. The first step is to identify the primary trend of the currency pair, the second step is to trade only in the direction of the overall trend Trend up Buy dips Trend down Sell rallies. As an example we take the strong upward trend in the EUR USD pair in the following daily chart. Step 1 The primary trend determination The trend is clearly upwards and is here defined by the red trend line. The green circles indicate where there was a good opportunity for traders to step into the market and to take advantage of the strong upward movements in the euro dollar pair. Some Bitcoin trading strategies as prices go crazy. By Cody Willard. Bitcoin is acting a bit cr-oizy Well, more than a bit crazy, that bitcoin has swung from 350 to 900 in the past ten days And for all my bitcoin insights, come follow me on Scutify CodyWillard. Just today, bitcoin has traded from 450 to 750 on Mt Gox and other exchanges Volatility, anybody Theres no major exchange like a normal currency and or a stock or bond would trade on for BITCOIN yet , so its going to be wildly volatile for a long time, I would expect, even if it does end up becoming a de facto alternative currency. If you havent bought any bitcoins yet, and want to do so, go read Bitcoin Everything you need to know and why you might want to join in the frenzy and go read some of the news and latest scuttlebutt on bitcoin first And t hen look to put in a bid to buy a first small tranche below 600 and then bid on another tranche down below 500 Dont stress over the process and the time it will take to get it all filled and executed This is a market truly in its infancy. Finally, let me be perfectly clear DO NOT RISK MUCH MONEY ON BITCOINS BITCOINS HAVE BIG UPSIDE POTENTIAL, BUT ALSO COULD BE A ZERO. As Ive said since it was below 100 BTC I dont think you should risk any more on Bitcoin than up to 1 of your portfolio, and thats for a risk-taker kind of trader and investor If youre a conservative trader investor, well, consider just a few basis points of exposure then I mean, do you really worry that if you were to put 0 2 or 2 10th of 1 of your stock bond metals currency portfolio into bitcoins that theres anything to worry about If it goes up 10-fold or hits mainstream, youll have some nice gains and feel like a genius If it gets outlawed or compromised technologically and goes to 0, well, it was a tiny bet to begin wi th and Ive lost more than 0 2 of my portfolio on single trades many, many times and will do so again many, many times. This is gonna be my last bitcoin blog post for a while, despite the wild popularity of these articles and my continued long-term bullishness on bitcoin as a currency But I dont want to become known as Bitcoin Cody or something BITCOIN. For all my bitcoin insights, come follow me on Scutify CodyWillard. Cody Willard writes Revolution Investing for MarketWatch, posts the trades from his personal account at TradingWithCody which is not affiliated with MarketWatch and is the largest shareholder in Scutify s parent company, Wall Street All-Stars At time of publication, Cody was net long bitcoin Follow Cody on Twitter at twitter codywillard. Bitcoins, dollars, dinars and more Next. In the past, currency trading was limited to certain individuals and institutions Interest rates on margin accounts vary according to the size of the loan and the Apply for a loan with Forex internet b ank Online application, cost estimate, pool your loans FOREX trading is a very specialized form of day trading and it isn t easy Home Equity Loans The FOREX market is the largest trading market in the world. 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Forex 96 Informer by Rita Lasker Uses The Solar Activity Index To Make Money in The Forex Market. Forex 96 Informer is a green forex software by Rita Lasker Do you want to be the first to learn shocking news Rita Lasker about to share her Sun-Sensitive Trading Market law based on Volatility 96 Beta, that NOBODY knows yeteven Google The Solar Activity Index directly affects the Foreign Exchange currency trade I love this ideaNow analyzing the solar activity, solar storms, sunspot numbers, we can predict Forex Market Movement This is something really surprising You might consider it to be strange or even weird Whatever, read on to discover this shocking discovery by Rita Lasker. Rita Lasker new shocking discovery connects the solar activity in the universe with the forex market Mind you this is not a joke Rita was able to turn her 1,000 desposit into 1,800 in just 1 month making a cool 80 profit using this shocking law that connects the Solar Activity Index with the currency market. This is what Rita says about her latest shocking discovery Our findings along with our project have been a secret for quite some time It took us more than 6 months just to calculate and figure out the algorithm for this unique pattern and additional 3 more months to do our tests. Forex 96 is the very first Informer in the world, that utilizes in its algorithms A and K indexes of Solar activity and uses unique VOLATILITY 96 FORMULA based on Sun flux parameters No comments It is a MIRACLE If you favor reliability and stability over risking your hard earned money, and if quality is more important to you than quantity, then Forex 96 is custom-made EXCLUSIVELY for you. If you don t trust automated systems and instead would rather personally open and close orders, our Forex 96 Informer is your only choice How does Forex 9 6 Informer work The Informer uses EURUSD pair and H4 timeframe only It indicates when you have to place BUY or SELL orders by showing red pointers If you put your order you have to activate Trailing Stop parameter Thats it. Get A Simple Forex System FREE That More Than Doubles My Account Every Month With 2-3 Set Click Enter. A If you are registering online. Click Enter to go to the next page and confirm your information this will take you through BOA s Secure Server. On that page you will need to click Process after you have entered your credit card information Another screen may come up asking for additional information Enter the requested information and again click Process Your screen will then blink back to the confirmation screen and then your order will finish processing If there are any errors bad credit card no etc it will blink back to that screen and the field containing the errors will have a red error message Correct the error and then click Process again. B If you are registeri ng by mail or fax Please print this screen and mail it to us at. Once we receive your registration and process the charge you will receive your login and password for each course in which you are registered Instructions Policies. OnLine Academy Charter School will receive its charter from the Palm Beach County School District under the auspices of the Florida Department of Education All courses and programs will be fully accredited and have been approved by the Florida Department of Education Anticipated start time is Fall, 2017.Terrence R Redding, Ph D - President and CEO, OnLine Training Inc Chairman, Redding College Chairman, OnLine Academy Charter School. Dr Redding has been designing and teaching education courses since 1968 Terry is a past W K Kellogg Fellow and has a doctoral degree in Adult and Higher Education He has a Masters in the Psychology of Education and is an honors graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education His research has dealt with adult motivation theor y and the origins of self-directed learning readiness He has specialized in cognitive learning models and is the co-developer of the Honeycutt Redding Cognitive Task Analysis Model. Since 1989 he has been involved in an on going series of research projects associated with the development of high self-directed learning readiness Of great significance is the finding that children between ages 8 and 15, who become high self-directed learners, typically share a common childhood experience Redding has labeled this experience the first moment of lasting excitement High self-directed learners who share this common experience can remember some event that has captured their imagination for life Typically these individuals find their life long learning endeavors in some way tied to this first moment of lasting excitement. He studied and conducted research in the area of continuing professional education at the Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education Later, as a co nsultant he developed a three volume set for the US Army allowing them to prioritize the selection and funding of strategic technologies which will be required in the 21st century. Terry also served as Director of Corporate Training and Corporate Computer Training at Palm Beach Atlantic College He is the author of numerous referred chapters dealing with adult learning theory He is the founder of OnLine Training Institute. Dr Richard E Durr, Ed D - President, OnLine Academy Charter School. Dr Durr received his Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership form Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, with a dissertation on Readiness for Self-Directed Learning in Industry Additionally, he received his Master of Science degree in Management Science and Bachelor of Science degree in Social Sciences from the State University of New York, Binghamton, NY, and Utica Rome, NY, respectively. In 1975, Richard and his wife founded a private Christian school which was an evolution from their homesc hooling efforts when their children were in elementary school The school offered education for children in pre-K through ninth grade. He then spent 25 years with Motorola University as Director of Learning and Development for the Boynton Beach, FL, facility managing the delivery of learning solutions to 5,000 employees and managing a development team which developed online learning solutions that were accessible to over 100,000 employees worldwide. From 2006-08 Richard implemented the Wellington, FL, campus for Palm Beach Atlantic University He now also serves as Vice President for Business Development at OnLine Training, Inc and is President of Redding College. Today, Richard and his wife live in Wellington, FL, and have three grown children and four grandchildren. Joseph Russo, BS in Education - Vice President, OnLine Academy Charter School President, CHAMPS Charter Schools. Mr Russo has been a public school teacher in Palm Beach County for several years Joseph implemented an after-school program called CHAMPS, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the percentage of participating students achieving Honor Roll status. Taking the CHAMPS concept to the next level, Joseph has incorporated the CHAMPS philosophy into the elementary curriculum of charter schools planned for opening in the Fall of 2017 in Palm Beach County. For additional information or to register a student, call or email us. Online trading academy milwaukee. 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Broker Guide To Forex Commission Structure. Forex does not charge any trading commis sions or transaction fees, but is instead compensated purely through the bid ask spread like many other forex brokers around the world Essentially, the company acts as a market maker of sorts by selling at the ask, buying at the bid and profiting from the difference rather than by charging a per-trade commission The company offers very competitive, reliable and transparent spreads leveraging its unique technology and deep liquidity network of bank trading partners In 2011, the company filled 100 of its limit orders at the requested price or better, with 65 of those receiving price improvement and all the while executing 99 9 of all trades in less than one second. The company s Execution Scorecard details these averages each month in order to hold it accountable for its performance The report includes execution speeds, prices, rates, the percent of limit orders where prices improved and the average price improvement per limit order, among others. Other potential fees include a 15 monthly data fee, if there is no trading activity or open positions for a period of 90 days or more However, this can be avoided by contacting Forex to close the account All banking fees, including wire transfers, are also the responsibility of the customer and are deducted from the customer s trading account. Target and Live Spreads. Forex publishes typical spreads for each month rather than setting target spreads, since they tend to vary based on the market s liquidity Live spreads are also published in real-time on the company s website to provide greater insight for traders Finally, the firm publishes a real-time comparison of its spreads and an aggregate figure from over 150 leading banks GTIS. Some examples of spreads from October 2017 include. Interactive Data Corporation s GTIS aggregates the best bid offer quotes from over 150 global forex brokerages and contributors in the U S Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, including many of the world s leading banks As a result, the GTIS index is c onsidered to be a very reliable indicator of average rates and spreads across the market. Margin Rates and Requirements. As with other forex brokers, Forex permits margin trading in order to leverage returns on currency movements Margin is essentially a good faith deposit required to maintain open positions, with brokers putting up the rest of the capital needed to capitalize on the microscopic movements in currency pairs that are often measured in fractions of a cent. Forex s minimum margin requirement is 2 - or 50 1 - for all currency majors 5 - or 20 1 - for all currency minors and 100 - or 1 1 - for spot gold and silver contracts Margin levels can also be changed manually to either 50 1, 20 1 or 10 1 While this is lower than many other retail forex brokers, these modest levels help to contain the risks associated with the trades. When considering margin levels, it s important to traders to remember that open positions are required to be fully margined at all times There are no margin c alls in forex trading, which means that if an account falls below the 100 maintenance margin all open positions are subject to automatic liquidation, potentially resulting in losses. In addition to these programs, the company offers Negative Balance protection that will credit accounts to a zero balance if they go into negative equity as a result of a liquidation event This coverage protects traders to up to 50,000 of the account s base currency Broker Guide To Forex Trading Platforms And Customer Support. Forex Factory Calendar An Productive Resource For the Trader. The a lot more perform there is in that country, the a lot more the personnel will have to shell out on products and solutions when they are compensated by the factories This will make the prospective customers for the around long run of the country appear brighter, and for that reason a more worthy investment chance. The developments forecasted by the Forex factory calendar can show economic problems, and will point to the ro ute the charges of items and solutions will go Analysts use this details to prepare info for traders that can forecast developments in a forex price, and aspect in factors like fascination charges, and other financial and political information indicators into the forecast calendar. The improved optimism around an boost in payroll will boost the expectation of a individual Which is the most suited location to make investments his elevated earnings Forex factory calendar supplies evaluation for the important investment tactics globally An normal trade of three two trillion in foreign exchange industry will come into the head of a human being anytime he thinks of an investment Currency trading current market is the most traded industry in the entire world Contrary to other financial markets, a currency trading trader can react right away to industry variations at any time. The fee of currencies in the foreign exchange marketplace often moves in tendencies A trend happens in a fx industry be cause of to economic predicaments and movement of funds internationally The curiosity rate of various currencies is represented so that a trader interested to have trade can get advantages Knowledge factors like the volatility of trade that can be predicted, how rapid and the price at which a currency is vulnerable etcetera would support a trader to excel in the fx market place Forex factory calendar is geared up by groups of competent and knowledgeable research analysts They test reviews, stick to the most current information, tendencies and consult other seasoned traders, prior to making ready the calendar. Currency trading expense is rising as a important expense tactic all over the earth because of to the amenities supplied by a variety of high quality on the internet buying and selling firms They give different trading answers with a lot more safe, effective and manageable apps Forecasting the problems of the forex industry is the most important challenge to all on the net business es Forex factory calendar is reliable because of to the depth of scientific examination done on the market by specialists Forex factory calendar is 1 of the most cheap tools that can aid watch the marketplace movement the right way. Are you seeking for the finest Fx Factory Predictions as voted by the members of the Forex Factory If you are not familiarized with the Forex Factory, it is presently the most well-known Forex Forum on-line right now, offering you up to date information on just about nearly anything Forex associated.1 highly effective thread in which posters have sent vast data on a everyday foundation is the Forex Predictions thread. Forex trading Predictions are a software each Foreign exchange Trader seeks to purchase when trading on numerous forex pairs Becoming capable to predict the industry would obviously make the Forex trading video game a darn sight whole lot much easier. Emini Trading Course. If you want something youve never had, youll have to do things youve never done. What You Can Expect To Learn from My Emini Trading Course. Do you know that you could be more successful at trading Do you have a passion for trading Recognize the opportunity and see the challenge in this. Know your trading style. Know your risk management. Maybe youve lost more than youve won. Maybe you just cant find consistency in your trading. Maybe the stress and anxiety of being a trader has overwhelmed you. Maybe youve been on a losing streak of late and not sure what to do. If you want to survive the learning curve most traders fail at, you have to go beyond an informational course Most courses or training programs provide information. Although information is necessary, it is not sufficient to trade successfully. We focus on developing skills, have students engage in structured practice, and then tackle real-world trading situations. This is why we differ from all other courses out there. Through hard work, practice and proper training, you can achieve your trading goals Those who do make continual progress, see changes in their mindset, and start to trade profitably. Heres What Students Are Saying About The Course. Hear From Some of Our Subscribers. I just wanted you to know that I like your strategy I have done all types of strategies, my own, and subscriptions I like looking at the same charts each day with your service Thank you for a strategy that is easy to follow, and that works - S A. I just set up the order alerts early morning, save them to disk and then download them when the market opens Everything is then taken care of by the computer I just monitor it and spend my time surfing Keep up the good work - D C. Thanks again for the great service you go the extra mile for your subscribers and that puts you in the select few - G A. I have been a member almost from day one and I guarantee you I will be a member for life Thank you very much - D C. I must acknowledge the success I am having with your system It s the best I ve found so far - D C. I must say you folks a re the best - P C. Thanks for your honest representation and keep up the good work You guys are great - M A. Thanks for your excellent picks - D D. Thanks for your help You guys are great - D M. Four Best Strategies for Intraday Trading. Intraday trading is known as day trading because buying and selling of stocks or shares on the same day Therefore, at the end of the day, there are no open positions and traders have to start with a new the next day Trading can be very risky if you dont know how to do effective and profitable trading Today, traders take help of day trading tips from experts as well as also read nifty future tips online But, there few major strategies that trader can implement in doing day trading for making money The best 4 are given below. Event Trading Also known as the trading of share in the equity market or the stock market is by reading news like articles, blogs and even newspapers In event trading, the traders collect information on the latest developments in the econ omic front through news and keep a track record of them This data is very important for them as their trading decision on buying or selling of shares will completely depend on this information Some of the news can affect the prices of a stock the price may either go up or down directly, and the event traders take full benefits by investing in these stocks big amounts of money, and make a huge profit. Trend Trading It is a very easy to use or implement a trading strategy but somewhere it could be risky In this trading, traders, try to gain profits by through the analysis of stocks momentum or movement in a particular direction The trader will buy those stocks which have generally an upward movement in their prices and sell those whose prices are going down. Short selling It means when any trader selling shares that he does not already own and in order to do this, the trader will require setting up an account with a broker After that the broker will lend the stocks to trader from his own i nventory or from any brokerage firm If the broker sells the shares, then the money will be transferred to his account After that, the trader will buy back the same number of shares at a lower price he borrowed from the trader and give them back to the broker This strategy is really highly risky as the prices of shares can never be predicted with accuracy. Range Trading Also known as channel trading and this strategy needs some research with calculation on a specific stock By applying Range Trading strategy, the trader will be understood the price movements of a share and its past performance, after that the trader would fix a range of upper or lower limit, this is the range and based on this range he will trade with the share Suppose the prices of the stock go down, then the trader will buy the share at the lower limit of his range and will sell the share at the higher or upper limit of his range, when the price goes up. Therefore, if you do intraday trading, then you must apply these st rategies because can help you in making good profit. The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of Money News Now or any other Money News Now authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors or partners and technicians Notices. Price range breakouts. 1 Trade on 3 days and 5 days High Low price brekaout On Buy side, place previous close high as stop order On Sell side place previous close low as stop order. 2 Trade on Weekly Monthly High Low price brekaout On Buy side, place previous close high as stop order On Sell side place previous close low as stop order. 3 50 in range crossover In this method, need to combine weekly Thanks to offer this valuable service to others - Y B. I just wanted you to know that I like your strategy I have done all types of strategies, my own, and subscriptions I like looking at the same charts each day with your service Thank you for a strategy that is easy to follow, and that works - S A. I just set up the order alerts early morning, save them to disk and then download them when the market opens Everything is then taken care of by the computer I just monitor it and spend my time surfing Keep up the good work - D C. Thanks again for the great service you go the extra mile for your subscribers and that puts you in the select few - G A. I have been a member almost from day one and I guarantee you I will be a member for life Thank you very much - D C. I must acknowledge the success I am having with your system It s the best I ve found so far - D C. I am glad that I found you several weeks ago My portfolio was down 70 and I had been trading for three years, but since I became a member with you, I am doing very good I am going to be a member for my whole life with you guys In just one month I have made a return of 10,000 from 10,000 that is clean 100 profit - P P. Option Trading Strategies That Produce Income. In this section, I will cover some of my favorite option trading strategies I primarily use what are referred to as advanced options strategies That means usually a combination of options that will form a spread I do this for two key reasons. Limited risk, which Ill talk about more in a minute. Better odds of success By that I mean that in many cases, I may be a little wrong in my assessment and still make money In fact, I ve had a few trades where I ve been quite wrong and still broken even or made a little. Most of the option trading strategies I use are also income generating strategies, which to me means that they take advantage of the erosion of the time value of the option That means the stock co uld go nowhere and I still make my money If you are unfamiliar with option greeks have a look before going on These components pay a big factor in how and why I select the strategies I m going to discuss. These strategies include short vertical spreads credit spreads , calendar spreads, diagonal spreads and iron condor spreads Once I ve covered some basic concepts, Ill go into more detail on each of these strategies. What is a Spread. Spreads are constructed by buying one option and selling a different option on the same underlying. A short vertical spread or credit spread is created by selling an option at one strike, usually in the current option month and buying an option at a further out-of-the-money OTM strike in the same month In the following example, I am bearish on JP Morgan JPM so I might sell a 27 50 call and at the same time buy a 30 call in the same month This chart illustrates that concept. A calendar spread is created by buying an option at a specific strike in a farther out month and then selling the same strike option on the same stock in a closer month This is sometimes referred to as a time spread or horizontal spread This makes sense if you look at an options chain and notice the prices and strikes organized vertically. In this trade, the most I can lose is the initial debit, thereby allowing me to size my position accordingly. With these two basic spreads as building blocks, many other spreads can be created. A long vertical spread is the opposite of a short vertical spread meaning that you would buy an option in-the-money ITM or even at-the - money ATM and sell an option out-of the-money OTM. A diagonal spread can be thought of as a combination of a calendar spread and a vertical spread. An iron condor is a combination of a short put vertical spread and a short call vertical spread. If this seems overwhelming, hang on because I will be going into much more detail on each of the strategies I just wanted to lay some groundwork before moving on If any of the basic options concepts are unfamiliar to you, make sure you visit the options basics section to learn more. My Favorite Option Trading Strategies. OK I m finally ready to talk about my favorite option trading strategies These are my four basic strategies that I use You ll see a brief description of each one here with more detail provided by the links. What Does It Mean When You Use an Online Stock Trading Company most people feel that as currencies are traded 24 hours a day, there is no true opening or closing prices That being said, some people maintain that gap trading in Forex trading can be successful 85 of the time If this is the case, there is money to be made The question becomes How can you trade gaps in the Forex market If you ignore the 24-hour time frame associated with Forex trading, and set up an opening and closing time to create an artificial market, you can provide yourself with an open high low close data range Based on that data range, you would be able to trade gaps An other Forex trading strategy is basically to ignore trading on Saturday and Sunday, when volume is thin and most of the world is not working Under this scenario, you establish a closing time on Friday and an opening time on Monday Based on the gap, you take the appropriate position Unlike what you might think, the Forex currency trading strategy for gaps is contrary by nature That is to say, you do the opposite of what s intuitive If the price gaps up, you sell If the price gaps down, you buy This forex currency trading strategy works more often than not, and thus, it s a simple process that can generate great profits Andrew Daigle is the owner and creator of many successful financial websites including ForexBoost, a free Forex educational site to learn Forex trading strategies and partners with Forex Confidential for live trading sessions and their very profitable forex trading signals service BEST Forex Gap Trading Strategies. How are Bollinger Bands used in forex trading. Bollinger Ba nds are popular with technical analysts and traders in all markets, including forex Since traders of currency look for very incremental moves to profit, recognizing volatility and trend changes quickly is essential Bollinger Bands help by signaling changes in volatility For generally steady ranges of a security, such as many currency pairs, Bollinger Bands act as relatively clear signals for buying and selling This can result in stop-outs and frustrating losses, though, so traders consider other factors when placing trades in relation to the Bollinger Bands. First, a trader must understand how Bollinger Bands are set up There is an upper and lower band, each set at a distance of two standard deviations from the security s 21-day simple moving average Therefore, the Bands show the volatility of the price in relation to the average, and traders can expect movements in price anywhere between the two bands Forex traders can use the bands to place sell orders at the upper band limit and buy orders at the lower band limit This strategy works well with currencies that follow a range pattern, but it can be costly to a trader if a breakout occurs. Since Bollinger Bands measure deviation from the average, they react and change shape when price fluctuations increase or decrease Increased volatility is nearly always a sign that new normals will be set, and traders can capitalize using Bollinger Bands When the Bollinger Bands converge on the moving average, indicating lower price volatility, it is known as the Squeeze This is one of the most reliable signals given by Bollinger Bands, and it works well with forex trading A Squeeze was seen in the USD JPY currency pair on Oct 31, 2017 News that the Bank of Japan would be increasing its stimulus bond buying policy sparked the trend change Even if a trader did not hear about this news, the trend change could be spotted with the Bollinger Band Squeeze. Sometimes reactions are not as intense, and traders can miss profits by setting order s directly on the upper and lower Bollinger Bands Therefore, it is wise to determine entry and exit points near these lines to avoid disappointment Another Forex trading strategy to work around this is to add a second set of Bollinger Bands placed only one standard deviation from the moving average, creating upper and lower channels Then, buy orders are placed within the lower zone and sell orders in the upper zone, increasing execution probability. There are several other specific strategies used in currency trading with Bollinger Bands, such as the Inside Day Bollinger Band Turn Trade and Pure Fade Trade In theory, these are all profitable trades, but traders must develop and follow the methods exactly in order for them to pan out. Best day trading strategies revealed - Binary Option Platform. 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A Basic guide on how to read and trade the markets We want to categorize the markets and its current state and therefore draw a Map so to speak highlighting the. This thread is intended for newbie traders who start their forex adventure dreaming of making a fortune riding robots before even getting a driving license. If youre new to forex, make sure that you go and learn from the latest forex articles. All trading involves a high risk of financial loss, and the information on this site is for general information purposes only and is not financial advice in any form See your own financial advice before taking any action. All forms of trading involves risk of financial loss. Note that this site may have paid advertising or commissions generated for referrals to products and services, and forex brokers made from this site. Testimonials and trading results of products and services from some people or users of products, does not guarantee or indicate similar resul ts from another user of that product or service. Quant analytics Looking for simple program trading strategies. Quant analytics Looking for simple program trading strategies. I am a college student who is very interested in algorithmic trading I am currently building a automated trading system for fun Right now, all the technology is ready, but only a strategy is missing Equities, derivatives and FX are the instruments I could trade Looking for advice from the expects like you. One place to find fully defined trading strategies is in Active Trader magazine Most of their articles, describing the strategy rules and past performance, are available online for purchase. wealth lab has many examples of programs BR. You will find 1,836 scripts under the public chartscripts section at the following address. One serious advantage of studying all those scripts is that they have been frozen it time since 2008 Anything you do with them is like a walk-forward All those scripts have never been optimized fo r their future You will also notice that a lot broke down after 2008 And because of that, you learn what not to do for your own future in order to avoid theirs. Try and back test turtle trading strategy That is the first strategy any novice will love to back test. it is not that good a recommendation Ive tested the Turtles trading strategy in and out Performance wise dismal Behavior wise nerve racking I even think anyone could do better than that You can see my test results here. Sorry to disagree on this one. Just hours ago at BaFin s annual press conference, Raimund Roseler, Head of Banking Supervision at Bafin, Germanys financial markets regulator, revealed to the media that solid evidence has been found connecting traders to attempted manipulation of foreign exchange prices, as the Forex probe takes on a new dimension. The breaking news was widely covered by Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times FT , and Forex Magnates reached out to a BaFin press office staff member who explained that many of the agency s senior spokespersons were still at the conference answering questions, around time of publication. Raimund Roseler, Chief Executive Director Banking Supervision, BaFin. In addition, FT reporters quoted Mr Roseler as having said that the currencies involved in the attempted manipulation werent the largest such as the euro or dollar, but tended to be the smaller ones He was also quoted in the media as having said that the investigations revelations so far were disturbing. Coverage by the Wall Street Journal WSJ on Libor related updates added how Mr Roeseler said that Forex investigations into Deutsche Bank will take much longer than Libor probes because the volume of data to be reviewed is much larger, and how that FX probe wont be concluded this year, and was directly quoted saying, We never thought that liquid markets like forex can be manipulated, as per the WSJ coverage. Bafin President Dr Elke Koning. BaFin issued an earlier press release today, which is in the process of being translated into English, along with a speech by its president Dr Elke Koning, as explained to Forex Magnates reporters, which discusses ongoing regulatory developments, such as issues surrounding centralized clearing and the aim to reduce systemic risks and mitigate the destructive power of crises. A copy of the regulators 2017 report is also expected to be translated into English shortly, and is now available in German totaling over 230 pages outlining in great detail many of the issues facing the regulator and its interactions with other regulators across the world, as well as in dealing with industry market participants and operators, and their end-users involved. What Is Merger Arbitrage. Mergers and acquisitions otherwise known as MA occur when a company purchases another company Often times, companies make acquisitions in order to grow their revenue or diversify into different businesses Most acquisitions also take advantage of synergies between the buyer and seller s businesses, such as economies of scale dynamics that can immediately improve profitability. Merger arbitrage strategies are designed to profit from these MA transactions and they come in various forms. Pure Merger Arbitrage Traders buy the target and short the acquirer in order to profit from the difference between the acquisition price in either cash or stock and the market price assigned to the target. Speculative Merger Arbitrage Traders buy potential targets in order to profit from an upcoming merger announcement without knowing for certain that such an announcement will ever materialize. In general, large institutional traders use pure merger arbitrage as a way to generate relatively risk-free profits, while smaller traders use speculative merger arbitrage as a way to identify relatively low-risk, high-reward opportunities Pure merger arbitrage may require significant leverage to be truly profitable, while speculative merger arbitrage often makes use of leverage for di versification. Why Use Merger Arbitrage. Merger arbitrage strategies have a number of unique benefits compared to traditional trading strategies In particular, traders can use the strategy in nearly any market condition which makes it a nice alternative to have on-hand The strategy s unique risk-reward profile may also make it compelling to many different types of traders looking to balance out their portfolio risk levels. The core benefits of merger arbitrage include. Low-Risk Pure merger arbitrage involves relatively low risk since an acquisition has already been consummated, although the potential profit is limited to the difference between the market and acquisition price. High-Reward Speculative merger arbitrage involves significant potential upside if an MA announcement is made, although there s no guarantee that such an announcement will ever be made. Market Neutral Merger arbitrage strategies are market neutral since they involve a long and short position, which means that a trader s exposure to the overall market is relatively limited compared to other strategies. Mechanics of Merger Arbitrage. The mechanics of merger arbitrage strategies depend on the type of strategy being implemented In general, merger arbitrage involves betting on the price differences between the buyer and target stocks, which means that the position will involve the purchase of the target and the short selling of the buyer to maintain a market neutral position that eliminates larger industry or macro risks. Pure merger arbitrage strategies. Identify existing MA opportunities with a focus on large percentage spreads between the proposed purchase price and the target stock price. Analyze potential reasons for the spread between the two, including the possibility that the merger will fall through and be unsuccessful. Purchase stock in the target company and short stock in the acquirer in order to profit from the gap in a market neutral way. Monitor the trade over time for any changes that could impac t the odds of success and adjust the trade accordingly. Speculative merger arbitrage strategies. Identify potential MA targets by looking for stocks trading below book value, having unused leverage, or operating within consolidating industries. Analyze similar transactions in the industry to determine a likely buyout multiple and use that to calculate a target price for the stock. Purchase the stock or use stock options to buy a levered position and optionally short-sell larger potential acquirers in the industry. Monitor the trade over time for any changes that could impact the odds of success and adjust the trade accordingly.20Shot 202017-09-25 20at 2011 39 14 20AM jpg COV Stock Chart After Buyout Source StockCharts. Risk Factors to Consider. Merger arbitrage strategies are designed to mitigate many types of risks, but there are still many important considerations for traders Most traders should consider using merger arbitrage as only one of a set of strategies in their arsenal instead of u sing it exclusively, although many institutional investors still use pure merger arbitrage strategies to capture small low-risk movements. Some important risks to consider include. Event Risk The largest risk for pure merger arbitrage is the merger falling through and becoming unsuccessful, which can result in rapid steep losses. Inverse Risk Merger arbitrage removes macro risk factors, but some dynamics could lead to a buyer s stock appreciating and hurting a short. Liquidity Risk Mergers tend to reduce trading in a stock once the price rises, which means that it could be difficult to enter or exit a position. The Bottom Line. Merger arbitrage strategies are an excellent addition to any trader s arsenal, given their market neutral approach applicable in any conditions Before placing any trades, traders should be aware of the many nuances and risks associated with the strategy, including event, inverse, and liquidity risk. If you ve enjoyed this article, sign up for the free TraderHQ newslett er we ll send you similar content weekly. An arbitrage is a type of transaction Actually, the term is applied to two very different types of transactions, which are explained below In either case, the act of trading into and out of such transactions is called arbitrage, so the term is both a noun and a verb Someone who engages in such trading is an arbitrager. In finance theory, an arbitrage is a free lunch a trading strategy that can profit without cost or risk Suppose a futures contract trades on two different exchanges If, at one point in time, the contract is bid at USD 45 02 on one exchange and offered at USD 45 00 on the other, a trader could purchase the contract at one price, sell it at the other, and make a risk-free profit of a USD 0 02.Such opportunities reflect minor pricing discrepancies between markets or related instruments Per-transaction profits tend to be small, and they can be consumed entirely by transaction costs Accordingly, most arbitrage is performed by instituti ons that have low transaction costs and can make up for small profit margins by doing a large volume of transactions. Formally, theoreticians define an arbitrage as a trading strategy that requires the investment of no capital cannot lose money, and has a positive probability of making money. Turning now to the second use of the term, this is unrelated to finance theory But it is widely used According to this usage, an arbitrage is a leveraged speculative transaction. During the 1980s, junk bond financing funded an overheated mergers and acquisitions market Speculators took leveraged equity positions either in anticipation of takeovers or to put firms in play They also engaged in greenmail Such activities were called arbitrage Ivan Boesky was a famous arbitrager from this period who was ultimately convicted of insider trading. Today, the term is often applied to the speculative trading strategies associated with hedge funds including statistical merger fixed income and convertible arbitrag e. To distinguish between the two definitions of arbitrage, we might call them true and speculative In a sense they represent two ends of a spectrum In practice, true arbitrage is rare Almost every transaction entails some risk perhaps due to liquidity the timing of offsetting transactions, or perhaps some credit exposure If true arbitrages become increasingly complicated or sophisticated, the subtle risks multiply From there, it is a slippery slope to speculative arbitrage. The notion of true arbitrage is profoundly important in financial engineering and theoretical finance Much of the theory of asset valuation is based on the assumption that equilibrium prices must be set in a consistent manner that affords no true arbitrage between them See the article on arbitrage-free pricing. In practice, people dont write about true or speculative arbitrage They just write about arbitrage It is up to the reader to infer from context which type the author is referring to In a theoretical or financia l engineering context, this is usually true arbitrage In a trading or portfolio management context, it is usually speculative arbitrage In a risk management context, it could be either. People from fields other than finance or economics sometimes confuse the two forms of arbitrage I once helped a professor from an unrelated field who was writing a paper that mentioned arbitrage He had read about the profound importance of arbitrage in finance theory but thought this referred to the speculative arbitrage he had read about in books on hedge funds Journalists often confuse the two A former colleague once commented about journalists who write about true arbitrage as if it were something unconscionable. Is arbitrage across exchanges really as easy as it looks. He breaks it down into 4 step. Buy on Bitstamp. Transfer to Mt Gox. Transfer the money back to Bitstamp. Buy on Bitstamp. Buying on Bitstamp will require you to have money in a Bistamp account that has been verified Verification involves wait ing a few days while someone, somewhere looks at some very personal information from you a passport, income tax form, utility bill, etc At this point, you need to transfer funds to Bitstamp. A boat carries a load of Bitcoin to Bitstamp s HQ in Ljubljana, Slovenia. While this carries only a modest 0 1 fee, you ll be transferring your funds to Bitstamp s bank in beautiful Ljubljana via the U K In many cases it will cost you some money on your side, since it will be an international wire transfer. Once the funds do hit your account, look for a 0 5 fee to purchase on the exchange But now you ve got the BTC in hand or whatever passes for a hand in this case. Difficulty Medium Cost 1 Time Up to a week Near instant once funded. Transfer to Mt Gox. Transferring BTC is the fast and easiest part of this While there are sometimes small fees for processing the transaction, they are currently minuscule hence two of the main reasons people are so excited about bitcoin. Difficulty Very Easy Cost 0 Time Near instant. Selling BTC on Mt Gox is relatively easy You should once again have a verified account at this point your passport has traveled significantly more than you have but the order is relatively simple. Difficulty Easy Cost 0 6 Time Near instant. Transfer the money back to Bitstamp. Neither exchange will allow you to send money directly to the other one you must withdraw it to your own bank account and then resend it An international withdrawal will cost you 2000 JPY on Mt Gox, if it goes through Assuming this is a 10,000 transaction, that is about 0 2 It will also take a few business days, and you ll initially be limited to 1,000 every 24 hours but we ll assume you smooth talked your way to a higher limit you dog And we already know to expect about 0 5 costs and another few days to get the money to Bitstamp again. Difficulty Very Hard Cost 0 7 Time 1-2 weeks. Essential arbitrage is proved to be impossible when inefficiencies, taxes, and asset base are taken into account. Giving it a try. So yes, there exists a spread among exchanges for an identical asset, net of fees a definition of arbitrage And you might be able to take advantage of it But even to achieve the 1 5 arbitrage above from the 5 initially observed, we. Assumed an asset base 20x our daily trading amount. Assumed away some early limits that all accounts will be subject to. Assumed that every transfer would occur without error. Assumed no taxes. The four of these things together make the perfect scenario impossible Taxes alone will reduce your take by up to half And while the addition of currencies, altcoins, and more exchanges creates more scenarios, the problems highlighted at each step fees, timing, limits, and depth increase more than proportionally. And after all that sweat, you might look back and wonder why you had labored over a 63 return while buying 200,000 of BTC would have led you to a 6800 return. Note All credit for this answer goes to Peter Sellis. In the previous lesson we presented in Example 2 a binomial market where it is possible to find an investment strategy that yields a positive profit with positive probability but without any downside risk Such a strategy is commonly known as an arbitrage opportunity. Before giving a formal definition of an arbitrage opportunity it is important to introduce some notation to clarify the concepts of trading strategy and most importantly self-financing trading strategy A trading strategy is a process that for any time t specifies the quantity of shares in the money market account S 0 in our examples this corresponds to the amount of money in dollar currency and the number of shares of the risky asset S held by the investor between times t-1 and t We use the following notation for a trading strategy. It is important to notice that x t and y t could take negative values which corresponds to borrowing money and short selling the risky asset, respectively For instance the strategy presented in Example 2 could be written as x 1 1 5 and y 1 -1. With this notation y t S t-1 is the amount invested into the risky asset at time t-1 while y t S t is the resulting value at time t We define the value of the portfolio c, d at time t by. The term arbitrage is commonly referred to as the practice of taking advantage of the price differential between two markets by buying and selling assets This section is mainly dedicated to making this statement precise A market with asset prices that rule out these practices is called an arbitrage-free market An investor that is engaged in an arbitrage opportunity is called an arbitrageur. We will have a self-financing trading strategy if for any t greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to T-1 the value of the portfolios x t y t and x t 1 y t 1 at time t are the same By the observation made in the beginning of the paragraph, this is equivalent to say that the fluctuations in the value of the portfolio are equal to the gains and losses resulting from asset pricing fluctuations only, i e there are no cash flows coming in or out. We define formally an arbitrage opportunity see Tangent as a self-financing trading strategy x, y such that the value of the initial portfolio x 1,y 1 at time 0 is less than or equal to 0, but the value of the final portfolio x T, y T at time T is nonnegative with probability 1 and positive with positive probability. In order to clarify the concepts and notation introduced above we present some examples. Example 2 continued. The strategy presented in the previous lesson corresponds to x 1 1 5 and y 1 -1 Since we are facing a 1 period model the self-financing condition trivially holds Observe that the value of the portfolio x 1,y 1 at time 0 is. However, the value of the same portfolio at time 1 is either 1 5 1 1 -1 1 65 0 with probability 0 5 i e if the Euro goes up or 1 5 1 1 -1 1 2 0 45 with the same probability i e if the Euro goes down This is an example of an arbitrage opportunity in a one step binomial market We say in this case that the market is not arbitrage-free. Suppose that today the price per share of Stock for General Motors Corp GM is 10 For the next two days the rate of return is either 1 with probability 0 3 or -3 with probability 0 7 Suppose further that the rate of interest in the money market is 2 We claim that this binomial market is not arbitrage-free Consider the following trading strategy, x, y x 1 x 2 u x 2 d 10 y 1 y 2 u y 2 d -1 where x 2 u, y 2 u and x 2 d, x 2 d are the portfolios when the price of the stock after the first day goes up and down, respectively Since the portfolio does not change at any time this trading strategy is trivially self-financing At time 0 the value of the portfolio x 1 y 1 is 10 1 -1 10 0 If the price of the stock goes up on day 1 and day 2 then the value of the final portfolio x 2 u, y 2 u is equal to 10 1 02 2 -1 10 1 01 2 0 203 This event occurs with probability 0 3 0 3 0 09 see Probability Review If the price of the stock goes down one day but up the other day the value of the final portfolio x 2 u, y 2 u or x 2 d, y 2 d is equal to 10 1 02 2 -1 10 1 01 0 97 0 607 Each of these events occurs with probability 0 3 0 7 0 21 Finally, if the price of the stock goes down on day 1 and day 2 the value of the final portfolio x 2 d, y 2 d is equal to 10 1 02 2 -1 10 0 97 2 0 995 This event occurs with probability 0 7 0 7 0 49 Hence, regardless what occurs during these two days the value of the final portfolio is positive and this trading strategy is an arbitrage opportunity This is an example of a 2 step binomial market that is not arbitrage-free. Note on self-financing strategies. So far in our examples the self-financing condition holds trivially In order to better understand the concept, consider the market described in the previous Example and suppose that at time 0 the investor short sells one share of stock i e borrows one share of stock from the broker At time 1, if the price goes down he pays the stock back to the broker and buys one share in the market, and if the price goes up he does nothing With our notation the strategy on the stock can be written as x 1 10, y 1 -1, y 2 u -1, y 2 d 1 Intuitively in order to have a self-financing strategy, the strategy on the money account should balance off the fact that between times 1 and 2 the investor paid back stock to the broker and bought new stock in the market Formally with the notation developed we have to find x 2 u and x 2 d such that the following holds. We notice that x 2 u x 1 10 and x 2 d x 1 -2 10 0 97 1 02 is the unique solution to the system above. The reasoning above can be generalized and summarized by the following observation Given any initial portfolio x 1 y 1 and any strategy on the risky asset S y 2 y T there exists a unique strategy on the money market, x 2 x T such that the trading strategy x, y is self-financing This strategy can be found by successive use of the following formula. Activities Consider the market described in Example 3 but assume that the interest rate r 0 Given an arbitrary initial portfolio x 1 y 1 and an arbitrary strategy on the risky asset S y 2 find a strategy on the money market, x 2 such that the trading strategy x, y is self-financing. Hint Recall that you have to consider two market states, one when the price of the stock goes up the first day and the other one when the price goes down Hence, your strategy on the money market corresponds to two variables x 2 d and x 2 u which should be given in terms of x 1 y 1 y 2 d y 2 u For the strategy found in part a , write down explicitly the value of the initial portfolio and the possible values of the final portfolios in terms of x 1 y 1 y 2 d y 2 u Explain why it is impossible to find x 1 y 1 y 2 d y 2 u such that the value of the initial portfolio is nonpositive but the value of the final portfolio is always nonegative and positive at least once In other words, explain why this market is arbitrage-free. Hint In order to prove this you will have to consider a system of inequalities and explai n why it is not consitent, i e why there are no values of x 1 y 1 y 2 d y 2 u that satisfy all the inequalities at the same time At least one of the inequalities should be strict this corresponds to the fact that in an arbitrage the value of the final portfolio is positive for at least one market state. Don t let them get away with it Let the truth be known. Update a Report.

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